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Reasons why the US should not Lift Trade Sanctions on China

Essay Instructions:

Write a 5 page double spaced essay answering the question:
Should the United States lift trade sanctions on China because it has lifted trade sanctions on Europe? Defend your answer. (Take the position of "No" The United States should not lift trade sanctions on China)
Goal of Assignment: Demonstrate mastery of trade regime theory and trade regime model information from the textbook Global Political Economy by John Ravenhill. Outside research for this paper would be essential. Consider the Wall Street Journal as a research asset.

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Trade Sanctions are the penalties set by one or more states against another country or state that is self-governing, an individual, or a group. Trade sanctions may not necessarily be imposed due to economic hitches but also social and political issues. A country's domestic and international goals may be achieved through the application of trade sanctions. Economic sanctions include tariffs, trade barriers, and restrictions on financial transactions (Ravenhill). Trade sanctions are being used at a wide range to achieve the objectives outlined in American policies.
The trade sanctions have been criticized over time for being America's preferences, yet they injure the economic state and posture of the entire country. Trade sanctions rarely change the misbehavior of the target country or individual, as there may be other free trade areas to which they can turn. Trade sanctions, therefore, should be focused more on the problem or issue at hand than they should be unilateral (Ravenhill). This paper will discuss whether the United States (US) should lift trade sanctions on China as it has on Europe. The history and trends of the US trade sanctions on China will be described. This paper will also address why the US lifted trade sanctions on Europe and why it should not lift trade sanctions on China.
US Trade Sanctions on China
The US should not lift trade sanctions on China because it has lifted trade sanctions on Europe. The US imposed trade sanctions and visa restrictions against several government officials from China in 2020 (Kwan 55-72). The sanctions were imposed due to the allegations of genocide against the Uyghur community in Xinjiang and abuse of human rights in Tibet and Hong Kong.
Trade sanctions against China by the US started in 1949 to 1979. China's communist regime was established in 1949. After that, an embargo that stood against selling infrastructure and military technology was levied against China (55-72). The sanction had been previously imposed on the Soviet Union. After the war in Korea, additional trade restrictions by the US were imposed. In 1972, president Richard Nixon foresaw the opening of China as a state and led the establishment of official relations.
In 2018, President Trump signed the National Defense Authorization Act, to ban Huawei and ZTE products from being consumed by the federal government in the US due to security interests. Additionally, in 2019, Huawei was accused of selling its products from the US to Iran without a valid trading license. The ordeal restricted the companies in the US from performing business and further transactions with Huawei without the presentation of a valid license from the government (55-72). To comply and heed the law, several companies from the US terminated their business with Huawei in a bid to comply with the regulation.
In 2019, the US termed China a currency manipulator, which facilitated its exclusion from the US business dealings. However, China agreed to quit lessening the value of its currency to draw the attention of buyers in the foreign market. The aftermath of this move was the withdrawal of the negative designation the US had placed on China in 2020 (The Wall Street Journal). The Uyghur human rights policy act was later signed into law, in June 2020. The law gave the US president the authority to impose trade sanctions on individuals and Chinese officials. These officials were the ones that were linked to certain violations of human rights and abuses/insults against the minority groups such as Muslims based in China or anywhere else in the world (The Wall Street Journal). The Uyghur Human rights act requires the administrative body to sanction all those individuals by blocking or making their assets insignificant and terming them ineligible to acquire visas.
Why the US lifted Trade Sanctions on Europe
Recently in October 2021, the US the overwhelming trade sanctions against the European Union under the leadership of President Biden. The action is believed to address the threat of climate change and protect the jobs in the American Job market (Judd). The lifting of the sanctions mainly involved the tariffs on aluminum and steel that President Donald Trump had ...
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