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Uniqlo Entering the Indian Market

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Uniqlo Entering the India Market
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Word Count: 3540 words
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003464" Question 1 PAGEREF _Toc103003464 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003465" Factors PAGEREF _Toc103003465 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003466" Internal Factors PAGEREF _Toc103003466 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003467" Question 2 PAGEREF _Toc103003467 \h 6 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003468" Resource Portfolio PAGEREF _Toc103003468 \h 6 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003469" VRIO Analysis PAGEREF _Toc103003469 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003470" Question 3 PAGEREF _Toc103003470 \h 12 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003471" Internalization Advantages PAGEREF _Toc103003471 \h 12 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003472" Uniqlo’s Ownership Advantages Transfer PAGEREF _Toc103003472 \h 13 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003473" Uniqlo’s Subsidiary Roles PAGEREF _Toc103003473 \h 14 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003474" Question 4 PAGEREF _Toc103003474 \h 16 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003475" Hofstede PAGEREF _Toc103003475 \h 16 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003476" Different National Cultural Frameworks PAGEREF _Toc103003476 \h 16 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003477" National Cultural differences bring Barriers to Uniqlo PAGEREF _Toc103003477 \h 17 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003478" National Cultural Differences bring Competitive Advantage to Uniqlo PAGEREF _Toc103003478 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003479" Question 5 PAGEREF _Toc103003479 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003480" Innovation Strategies PAGEREF _Toc103003480 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003481" Innovation Strategy adapted by Uniqlo PAGEREF _Toc103003481 \h 19 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003482" Innovation Networks PAGEREF _Toc103003482 \h 19 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003483" Challenges of Building Local (external) Innovation Networks by Uniqlo Subsidiary PAGEREF _Toc103003483 \h 20 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc103003484" References PAGEREF _Toc103003484 \h 22Question 14Factors4Internal Factors5Question 26Resource Portfolio6VRIO Analysis7Question 311Internalization Advantages11Uniqlo’s Ownership Advantages Transfer12Uniqlo’s Subsidiary Roles12Question 413Hofstede13Different National Cultural Frameworks14National Cultural differences bring Barriers to Uniqlo14National Cultural Differences bring Competitive Advantage to Uniqlo15Question 516Innovation Strategies16Innovation Strategy adapted by Uniqlo16Innovation Networks16Challenges of Building Local (external) Innovation Networks by Uniqlo Subsidiary17References19
Uniqlo Entering the India Market
Question 1
Delhi is a significant business sector as far as the populace is concerned, and it is incredibly different with regard to culture and taste (Lamba, 2019). Delhi is somewhat of a mixture for India as purchasers from each avenue dwell there. Furthermore, Uniqlo items are exceptionally made, and an individual feels the distinction once they put it on.
Uniqlo India's head of advertising makes sense of that availability has, for the most part, three parts, that is to say, are purchasers prepared for Uniqlo, is miniature and large scale climate positive, and whether the firm is prepared to serve customers. When Uniqlo believed that every one of the three was attained, they realized that it was the perfect opportunity to penetrate the Indian business sector. The organization chose to unveil its initial outlet in the Indian capital as a result of a variety of populace and outrageous atmospheric circumstances.
A difficult environment and the new financial slump will not discourage Uniqlo, which intends to zero in on items and administrations. Additionally, Uniqlo trusts that India can turn into their top business sector from here on out, and they intend to plot and fabricate there along with opening outlets. Remarking on the kickoff of the shop, Tadashi Yanai, Uniqlo CEO, President, Chairman and Founder of the Fast Retailing Group point by point stipulated that for a very long period, Fast Retailing has desired to set up outlets in India taking into account the gigantic capability of such an enormous country (Uniqlo, 2019). The recently referenced firm started enrolling in India toward the end of the previous year. They have been intrigued by the extraordinary ability, aspiration, and industriousness of the youngsters they met and invited to the team.
The launch of Uniqlo in India occurred at a troubling period. In October 2019, the retailer of Japanese origin opened its initial outlet in New Delhi, which was a month following worldwide financial backers' sale of $4.5 billion Indian shares in light of the IMF's minimization of India's forecasted 2020 development that was 7.2 percentile to 7 percentile. Be that as it may, when the entryways unfolded, 400 individuals were in a queue waiting to make their purchases. The outlet made £237,000 in the initial two days (Nast, 2020). One month after the aforementioned fact, Uniqlo opened its second store in Delhi NCR.
Internal Factors
Venture into novel business sectors is an essential portion of Uniqlo's methodology. In 2019, its worldwide sector surpassed Uniqlo Japan's income and working benefits by 42 and 63 percentile, individually. Despite its focus on China, India has the potential to be an underappreciated growth engine. According to Uniqlo's projections, the Southeast Asian market, which includes India, will generate 2.1 billion euros in revenue over the next two years, thanks largely to the company's recent expansion there.While Greater China is its most important business sector, India is situated as an undiscovered development driver. Uniqlo expects its Southeast Asia business platform, including India, to twofold income to 2.1 billion euros in the following two annum, mainly by setting up shop there. Uniqlo's Chief of research and development denotes that India is different, and every day the firm is finding out increasingly more regarding the clients located there. While China's development eases back, India's retail business sector is positioned to increase by 1.2 trillion dollars as of 2021, placing it third among the world’s biggest purchaser markets. Worldwide retailers, inclusive of quick design contenders Zara & H&M, have retaliated via the formulation of neighborhood methodologies. Be that as it may, India's topographical variety, alongside the absence of laid out retail space; expect brands to explore the nation with a straightforward plot and capacity to adjust rapidly to purchaser requirements.
Uniqlo's CEO outlined that in the oncoming years, the firm intends to upgrade ways of life in India via the provision of more imaginative clothing, which brings into play the country's unmistakable customs and culture. Uniqlo desire is to add to India's financial improvement simultaneously. Setting up shop in the business platform of India is a stride towards globalization. Based on the fact that Uniqlo is Japanese, the brand is fixated ensuring that everything is flawless prior to any send off. At the point when Uniqlo was certain enough that it had arrived at the right degree of availability for another market that is the point at which it chose to launch outlets in India.
Question 2
Resource Portfolio
Resource Portfolio
Figure 1: Uniqlo’s Resource Portfolio
Uniqlo's resource portfolio is critical to the company's success and includes; intangible resources, intangible resources, human resources, competency, and capability. Uniqlo has a strong brand name that sets it apart from competitors. In addition, the company has leveraged innovation to grow the Uniqlo brand by innovating products that reflect customers changing tastes and preferences. The organizational culture creates a conducive environment for achieving the organization's goals. Tangible resources such as a world-class testing facility allow the company to produce market-ready products thoroughly researched by the research and development team.
Furthermore, the rich human resource pool and James Dyson Institute gives the company access to unique talent to develop a highly competent workforce. The company grows its income and products range through competence through New Product Development and Research and Development. Uniqlo's success is also marketed by "capability" through learning via trial and error and dynamic management capabilities.
Uniqlo’s resource portfolio is critical in the success of the company and includes;. The intangible resources, intangible resource , human resources, competency and capability .play a significant role in giving the company competitive advantage. Uniqlo has a strong brand name that sets it apart from competitors. In addition, the company has leverage innovation to grow the Uniqlo brand by innovating products reflect customers changing taste and preference. The organization culture creates a conducive environment for the achievement of the organization’s goals. Tangible resources such as world class testing facility allows the company to produce market-ready products that is thoroughly researched by research and development team. Furthermore, the rich human resource pool and James Dyson Institute gives the company access to unique talent to develop a highly competent workforce. Through competence the company is able to grow its income and products range through new product development and Research and development. Uniqlo’s success is also market by “capability” through learning via trial and error and the dynamic management capabilities.
Assets of an association can be classified into two classifications: visible assets and theoretical resources. The physical assets of Uniqlo Supply incorporate tangible things, like cash, stock, hardware, plant, structures, and land. On the other hand, the theoretical assets of Uniqlo Supply are expertise and authoritative degree of administrators, brand titles and the organization's goodwill, protected innovation privileges, trademarks, copyrights, and extraordinary affiliations with production network associates (Su, 2020). The four parts of VRIO utilized in Uniqlo include;
The VRINO Model
Figure 2: VRIO Framework
Affordably high-quality, performance-enhanced basic casual wear is Uniqlo's brand promise. However, it has built a strong delivery system to fulfill this brand promise.
They can stay close to customer needs based on what customers buy in their stores, saving costs on overproduction or unnecessary overheads. Uniqlo invented HeatTech to keep you warm and Airism to keep you cool. These tech fabrics help Uniqlo deliver quality basics. Uniqlo's flat organizational structure promotes teamwork and encourages employees to make suggestions. Employees all over the world live up to the company's values and goals. Financials are charted and posted daily for employees and sales. The brand also micromanages every customer touch point in its retail stores. Staff training is a huge priority for the company, as evidenced by the fact that each new employee receives training for an impressive three months – significantly longer than the average for the global industry..A strategic management professor in the United States, Jay Barney, discovered that the business must also be prepared and equipped to exploit the resource in order to capitalize on its worth. Having a resource that fits each of these four requirements can provide your company an edge in the marketplace (Famuyide, 2017). Specifically, the VRIO framework can be used to assess and analyze a company's internal resources and its potential for deploying those resources to generate competitive advantage.
Valuable. This is an asset important to Uniqlo Supply. The fundamental assets that are vital for the company include human resource, monies, advertising aptitude and managing the firm's endeavors (EMBA Pro, 2022).
Rare. Uniqlo supply needs to enquire whether the assets that are significant to the Uniqlo supply are intriguing or inordinate to accomplish. On the off chance that the assets have no interest, current competitors and novel partakers shall be poised to acquire admittance to them while entering the cutthroat domain.
Expensive to copy. Presently, the majority of companies are dealing with elevating perils of interruption. As portrayed by the data detailed in Uniqlo, a supply chain going global, the center distinction of Uniqlo Supply is challenging to imitate. Mostly, impersonation of outcomes of Uniqlo Supply may happen in two manners, that is to say, replication of the company’s outcome and competitors contemplating surrogate items disturbing the ongoing commerce platform.
Authoritative ability along with capacities to utilize resources maximally. VRIO approximates the degree to which an organization is adept at exploiting the significant, scarce, and challenging to duplicate assets in the business sector (Anna, 2020). The double-dealing degree investigation for Uniqlo Supply items ought to be possible according to two perspectives: How ready is the company to exploit the capability of an asset, or it literary has bunches of potential proceeds. Often, the double-dealing extent is mainly dependent on the execution squad and the organization's execution methodology. Therefore, the extent of the double-dealing degree is a fair indicator when evaluating the nature of HR in the organization. Aptitudes shall more often than not pop up or progress after a given period while the company moves towards the expansion of its vital assets.
VRIO Analysis





Competitive edge

Vision of the administration for oncoming hardships



Cannot be copied by rivals

Not in light of information offered in the case

Might result in a robust competitive edge

Ability to oversee administrative and legitimate obligations



Can be copied by rivals


Not basic variable

Item portfolio and cooperative energy among different item lines

Yes, it is significant in the business given the different divisions and buyer preferences.

Most of the contenders are attempting to enter the rewarding segments

Can be aped by rivals

The firm has utilized it to great impact, subtleties can be found in the event that exhibit

Provide transient upper hand yet requires consistent advancement to support

Admittance to basic natural substance for fruitful execution


Yes, as different contenders need to deal with association’s predominant market position

Could be copied by rivals


Provides an economical upper hand

History of initiative group at Uniqlo



Cannot be copied by rivals


Provides a solid upper hand

Production network flexibility



Nearby contenders additionally have adaptable inventory network and offer a portion of the suppliers

Fully utilized

Keeps the business running

Effective execution of advanced strategy

Yes, without a far reaching computerized system it is incredibly hard to compete

No, as the greater part of the organizations are putting into digitalizing operations

Could be copied by rivals

One of the main player in the industry

Digital procedure has become basic in the business yet it cannot give manageable upper hand

Monetary Resources



Financial instruments and market liquidity are accessible to all the closest competitors

Company has feasible monetary position

Temporary upper hand

Open doors for brand extensions

Yes, new specialties are arising in the market

No, as the majority of the contenders are likewise focusing on those niches

Yes could be copied by contenders.

Brand augmentations will require higher advertising budget

Temporary upper hand

Evaluating Strategies



Pricing methodologies are consistently imitated in the industry

Yes, firm has a valuing examination engine

Temporary upper hand

Figure 3: Uniqlo’s VRIO’ analysis
The earlier mentioned firm’s journey has not been all that smooth. The aforementioned company's greatest predicament is most likely brand distinction in its attempts at being everything...
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