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Typical Cash Flow Issues in Business

Essay Instructions:


Katherine Potter knew a good thing when she saw it. At least, it seemed so at first. She was traveling in Italy when she spotted pottery shops that made beautiful products ranging from ashtrays to lamps. Some of the pottery was stunning in design.

Katherine began importing the products to the United States, and sales took off. Customers immediately realized the quality of the items and were willing to pay top price. Katherine decided to keep prices moderate to expand rapidly, and she did. Sales in the second three months were double those of the first few months. Sales in the second year were double those of the first year.

Every few months, Katherine had to run to the bank to borrow more money. She didn’t really discuss her financial situation with her banker because she had no problems getting larger loans. You see, she always paid promptly. To save on the cost of buying goods, Katherine always took trade discounts. That is, she paid all bills within 10 days to save the 2% offered by her suppliers for paying so quickly

Most customers bought Katherine’s products on credit. They would buy a couple of lamps and a pot, and Katherine would allow them to pay over time. Some were very slow in paying her, taking six months or more.
After three years, Katherine noticed a small drop in her business. The local economy was not doing well, and many people were being laid off from their jobs. Nonetheless, Katherine’s business stayed somewhat level. One day, the bank called Katherine and told her she was late in her payments. She told them she had been so busy that she didn’t notice the bills. The problem was that Katherine had no cash available to pay the bank. She frantically called several customers for payment, but they were not able to pay her, either. Katherine was in a classic cash flow bind.

Katherine immediately raised her prices and refused to make sales on credit. She started delaying payment on her bills and paid the extra costs. Then she went to the bank and went over her financial condition with the banker. The banker noted her accounts receivable and assets. He then prepared a cash budget and loaned Katherine more money. Her import business grew much more slowly thereafter, but her financial condition improved greatly. Katherine had nearly gone bankrupt, but she recovered at the last minute.


How is it possible to have high sales and high profits and run out of cash?

Why did Katherine do better when she raised her prices and refused to sell on credit?

What was the nature of her problems and how could she have prevented the problems she eventually found herself faced with?

If this was your business, be specific and tell me how would you have managed the revenue streams.

Make sure that you provide input regarding what you would have done to manage revenue streams

Read the Situation carefully and determine its key points

Determine the significance of her early pricing decision and handling of credit.

This is the the textbook you can use for the reading : "Foundations to Business"

Pride, William, et al. Foundations of Business. 7th ed., Cengage Learning, 2022.

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Typical Cash Flow Issues in Business- A Case Study
1. There are a few potential reasons why a business-like Katherine's could experience high sales and profits but still run out of cash. First, if a business is rapidly expanding, it may require more and more capital to keep up with demand. In Katherine's case, she had to keep borrowing money from the bank to buy more inventory from her suppliers in Italy. If the expansion rate outpaces the rate at which cash is coming in, it can quickly lead to a cash flow problem (Camberato). Second, as mentioned in the story, Katherine allowed many customers to buy on credit. By doing this, she wasn't getting paid immediately for her products; instead, she had to wait for customers to pay her back over time. If many customers are slow to pay, this can significantly delay the cash inflow for the business. Lastly, Katherine wasn't paying close attention to her finances. This is clear from the fact that she didn't even realize she was late on her loan payments to the bank. Had she been monitoring her cash flow more closely, she may have been able to make changes earlier on (e.g., not offering as much credit to customers, raising prices sooner) to avoid running out of cash.
2. There are a few potential reasons why Katherine's business improved when she raised her prices and stopped selling on credit. First, she increased her profit margin on each item sold by raising her prices (Pride et al.). This would have allowed her to generate more revenue and cash, which was crucial given her cash flow problems. Second, by refusing to sell on credit, she reduced the risk of customers not paying her back promptly (or at all). In the past, she had experienced issues with customers taking six months...
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