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Proposal for E-learning at the Rider University

Essay Instructions:

Assignment: Come up with a new policy/procedure/process or a new product / service that you think Rider University should implement or develop. Think about how your idea, if implemented, solves an existing problem or adds value to the organization.

Associated readings from your book:

Page 400 Business writing

Page 16 Presenting business proposals to your boss

Page 437 - 442: shares an example, format, layout of a business proposal / sales presentation

Be prepared to share your proposal in class on 10/30.

Please read these articles to prep for our discussion in class.

7 Steps To A Winning Business Proposal - Entrepreneur (Link to an external website.) Link to an external website.


In today's competitive business environment, your ability to write powerful proposals could mean the life, or death, of your business. When government agencies and large corporations need to buy products or services from an outside source, they often release what is called a Request for Proposal (RFP), a formal document outlining their needs

How To Write A Business Plan - Forbes (Link to an external website.) Link to an external website.


Jan 30, 2014 · Learn how to write a business plan, ... that will prompt others to invest or otherwise join you in your conquest to build a thriving business! ...

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Proposal for E-learning at the Rider University
For a very long time Rider University has been facing a number of challenges financially that have made it hard to deliver the required services to the students and staff. Aside from this, major institutions are increasingly adopting e-learning in place of classroom learning. Following this, there have been increased cases of students opting for other institutions instead. This proposal therefore, seeks to solve the unfortunate situation through the introduction of online learning programs, otherwise called, e-learning.
Research has shown that an increasing number of students prefer online learning as compared to traditional classroom learning. However, at Rider University this is one area that has been overlooked for most of the programs offered. Instead, learning in traditional classrooms is the norm at Rider, which causes a gap in the system. The purpose of this proposal is to push for the implementation of e-learning services at Rider University to the benefit of both the institution and the learners. E-learning will help reduce the cost of obtaining additional staff for the many students while also giving learners the freedom to choose the learning method they are comfortable with and work with their own preferred schedules.
The customer base for this proposal is at the Rider University. The revenue source is the university management. The main service provided in this case is the development of the online learning programs on the institution’s database to be accessed by both learners and lecturers. The Information Technology center at the university will be the location for the development of this proposed service. One opportunity available in the market is that most of the university students nowadays prefer to work during their college years and therefore they will readily embrace e-learning. Moreover, the proposal’s ability to enable the university cut down on costs will help attract the interest of the management to the issue.
This proposal recognizes that the current traditional classroom learning helps in the promotion of collaborative learning ensures students improve in their social skills as well as in organizational ones. Even though this is the case, many students would still love the freedom to work and learn within...
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