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Business & Marketing
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Bike sharing program. Feasibility Test. Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Assignment: Come up with a new policy/procedure/process or a new product / service that you think Rider University should implement or develop. Think about how your idea, if implemented, solves an existing problem or adds value to the organization.

Associated readings from your book:

Page 400 Business writing

Page 16 Presenting business proposals to your boss

Page 437 - 442: shares an example, format, layout of a business proposal / sales presentation

Be prepared to share your proposal in class on 10/30.

Please read these articles to prep for our discussion in class.

7 Steps To A Winning Business Proposal - Entrepreneur (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


In today's competitive business environment, your ability to write powerful proposals could mean the life, or death, of your business. When government agencies and large corporations need to buy products or services from an outside source, they often release what is called a Request for Proposal (RFP), a formal document outlining their needs

How To Write A Business Plan - Forbes (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


Jan 30, 2014 · Learn how to write a business plan, ... that will prompt others to invest or otherwise join you in your conquest to build a thriving business! ...

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:
Bike sharing program
The product is a bike sharing program that will help ensure that the school becomes an active participant in the fight to enhance the health of the environment. The program will be supplemented with a mobile application which will help ensure that it runs seamlessly. All users of the program will thus have to download the application, install, and have access to all the bikes. However, one can only check out one bike.
The program will be limited to the school’s staff members and the students. However, to be recognized as a user, one must register through the mobile application. After the registration process, one will choose their subscription package which will be monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or yearly. After choosing one’s package, a person will then be required to pay half the amount they are due with the other half payable while ending the subscription. The subscriptions, however, do not mean that a person can take the bike for an entire month. The subscriptions mean that a person is entitled to getting a bike every day until the last day of their subscription. A person will be allowed to check out a bike from 7:00 am in the morning and check it in at 6:00 pm in the evening.
Feasibility Test
How feasible or viable is this idea? Well, any project must meet the economic, technological, and financial factors. The bike sharing program is indeed an economic project because it does not require a lot of money to set up. The university will be required to purchase the bikes and the gears. These do not cost a lot of money with our estimation being that each bike and its set of gears will cost about $600. With more than 4000 students enrolled under the undergraduate program, I believe that 200 bikes as a start will be enough. The total for this is $120,000 which we believe the school can comfortably afford.
Financially, the project is also feasible because even though the bikes are only 200, the expectation is that there will be more than 200 subscribers. The school does stand to make profits from this project.
Target Clients
The target clients or customers for this project are the students and staff members of Rider Univer...
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