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Business & Marketing
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OKHealth Project Reflection Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

In the Learning by Doing model, we hope to provide the opportunity to have "a-ha!" moments while working on a team, solving a problem for a client.

Please identify and explain two such learning moments from the first half of your project work in this class. Please articulate (1) what the lesson was; (2) how you learned it; and (3) how you anticpate applying it in the future. (The purpose of this reflection is not to repeat what you learned in a video, but to share insights and examples that are personal and specific to your OKHealth project experience.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
OKHealth Program
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
OKHealth Program
Oklahoma Health Program lessons have been multiple. All were taught by doing to understand, being able to solve real life problems for clients and making a noticeable difference in the field. In this project of researching the demand for low cost BiPAP machines in resource limited facilities the lesson on dealing with the clients and solving their problems was a very beneficial one. The researches done by my team, I included, have helped gather comprehensive information to ensure that clients get the best possible services.
Clients in the business need to be offered decisions made after a thorough situation analysis. It should the market size for example, in the case of the BiPAP machines research as well as the collected data on customer satisfaction among all the necessary information on the company or business. The five C...
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