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How Well Did The Ipremier Company Perform During The Seventy-Five Minute Attack

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is based on the reading in the electronic coursepack (Harvard business publishing) - "iPremier(A): Denial of Service Attack (Graphic Novel Version)".

Based on the article in the electronic course pack, please submit a 1 1/2 analysis responding to the following questions:

How well did iPremier (company) perform during the seventy-five minute attack? If you were Bob Turley what might you have done differently during the attack? (1 point)

The iPremier Company CEO, Jack Samuelson, had already expressed to Bob Turley his concern that the company might eventually suffer from a "deficit in operating procedures." Were the company's operating procedures deficient in responding to the attack? What additional procedures might have been in place to handle the attack? (1 point)

Now that the attack as ended, what can iPremier (company) do to prepare for another such attack? (1.5 points)

In the aftermath of the attack, what would you be worried about? What actions would you recommend? (1.5 points)

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Question 1
On the one hand, iPremier did not perform well during the 75 minutes of the attack. The response of the company was met with a lot of confusion and panic of the people involved. There was a clear lack of preparedness to respond to an emergency like such an attack. On the other hand, despite the lack of preparedness, those involved did their best to handle the situation. The main aim was prioritizing the safety of the clients and this was done well. Even without a formal plan, Bob Turley managed to mobilize the technical team members to handle the situation. If I was Mr. Turley, I would have contacted Qdata directly and informed them of the attack. I would then request Qdata to block any access to the iPremier’s website to prevent any activity from the hackers or even company operators so that the issue may be sorted quickly.
Question 2
iPremier’s operating procedures were deficient in responding to the attack. The company did not have any crisis management plan in place. As a result, the individuals involved were responding haphazardly. For instance, while Joanne was at Qdata trying to sort the issue, Tim was suggesting that the technicians pull the plug. Pete, the lawyer was also suggesting the same thing to avoid having credit cards stolen (Austin and Short 16-17). Such a contradictory approach suggests that iPremier had not put proper measures to handle an attack. Measures should be put in place to have a contingency plan in place. Further, the company should have trained the employees on how to follow the operating procedures in the case of an attack.
Question 3
Firstly, iPremie...
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