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The McDonaldization of Shopify

Essay Instructions:


The purpose of this assignment is to examine a business organization through a sociological lens. Students will apply the concepts of the McDonaldization of Society, rationalization, alienation, and the "iron cage" to a business of their choice.


After reading about George Ritzer's concept of the McDonaldization of society, think of another example (organization) besides the fast food industry where you believe this concept may be applied. Several good examples may be Amazon.com, Walmart, or General Motors.

First, in your own words, explain McDonaldization, including a discussion of the dimensions Ritzer outlines (efficiency, predictability, calculability/quantity, nonhuman technology, control). Please use your organization as an example. Describe how each dimension of McDonaldization applies to your organization. Also discuss what might be the advantages and disadvantages of each dimension for the organization.

Provide some comments on the significance of McDonaldization for your example. Do you believe McDonaldization makes the organization you observed operate better or not? Why or why not? Define and describe the concept of the "irrationality of rationality", and describe whether or not this concept is seen in your selected organization. Why or why not?

Provide some concluding comments on the significance of McDonaldization in society. How might McDonaldization lead to Marx's concept of alienation? Describe how the McDonaldization of society may lead to Weber's concept of the "Iron Cage." Do you see McDonaldization as a positive in our current society? Why or why not? Is McDonaldization in any way beneficial for your own social experiences?

Expectations and Criteria for Success:

Your essay should be approximately 500 words

The essay should follow instructions

The essay uses correct, standard English grammar and mechanics, and is free of typos as well as punctuation, capitalization, and word choice errors

The essay incorporates multiple, accurate references to online and text content as support for thesis/claims/argument. Parenthetical references at the end of the sentence using said material is sufficient. They essay should use accurately one style of citations (MLA, ASA, or APA).

The essay demonstrates superior, academic knowledge of the topic under study, and is free from general statements, fluff, and summary

The language is clear and concise with logical flow

The essay is submitted prior to the due date/time

Please refer to the Lesson 3 Writing Assignment Rubric (LO3) for more specific criteria to attain maximum essay score.

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The McDonaldization of Shopify

McDonaldization is defined as the adoption of the fast-food chain’s characteristics in the society, institutions, and organizations. It can also be defined as the process by which non-food entities are adopting the fast-food principles in the supply chain. In his reconceptualization, Ritzer states that McDonaldization is comprised of efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control. Shopify has employed McDonaldization in the realization of its achievement and ensuring it meets the demands of its customers.

Shopify takes into practice the principle of efficiency. At Shopify, consumers order products virtually at any time and the product are delivered within the specified period of time. Before delivery, the products are inspected for verification of the standard as what the was expecting to receive. The embodiment of this principle has greatly improved the realization of success at Shopify.

At Shopify, the principle of calculability has been exhibited by the way the platform tries to 

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