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Marketing Plan to Convince Young People to Stay in Nashville

Essay Instructions:

Imagine you work for the relocation department of the Nashville Chamber of Commerce and are tasked with convincing young professionals of the benefits of a one-year assignment in Nashville. Use your creativity and whatever format you prefer to share your plan.
The article should be a marketing plan, not list the advantages of Nashville.
Please limit the article no more than 500 words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Marketing Plan for Convincing Young People to Stay in Nashville
Nashville has been ranked among the top cities for being a 'fun' place suitable for young professionals. Nashville has been doing great economically, with approximately a sixteen thousand increase in median earnings between 2016 and 2017 (Ahern). It is called a 'fun' city because approximately 4.3% of businesses are dedicated to entertainment (Ahern). It, therefore, becomes the ideal place for young people to stay. The essay will look at marketing strategies for convincing young professionals to say in Nashville city.
The first strategy in convincing young professionals to stay in Nashville is by creating fresh content relatable to them on the serene business environment of the city. For instance, creating an advert with young people having fun in the serene joints of the city would work very well in convincing them that Nashville is the ideal destination (Morgan et al. 7). Creating relatable advertisement content to market oneself to an excellent business deal is a mega strategy that works through reverse psychology. The content should then be uploaded to sites where the young professionals will most likely access it, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat.
The second strategy will entail working with celebrities who connect with younger audiences. Young professionals are attracted to public figures whom they look up to. Involving them in advertising campaigns that promote Nashville City will influence them to stay in the city. For instance, a famous YouTube star or a Tiktok celebrity will greatly influence their perceptions and choices. On the other hand, a politician or an athlete would have less influence in their choices. Therefore, the type of celebrity...
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