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Finding and Evaluating Business Information

Essay Instructions:

Answer the questions (pages 272-301), and answer the "Review Questions" on page 304.

1. What ls the difference between primary, secondary, and tertiary sources? Give an example ofeach.

2 What arc the key clementsof a research work plan?

3  What ls a desktop search tool and how c.an it help )"OU?

4  What is the effect of wing quotation marks around search terms in web or database searches? What happens ifyou do not use quotation marks?

5  Explain the three criteria for evalualing whether a source is credible.

6  Name tW'O advantages of conducting survey research and twO advantages ofconducting interview research.

7 Range, mean, median, and mode are four ways of reporting the quantitative data from a survey.Explain howtheydiffer.

8 Identify at least two ways to find cxptrts you can interview on a topic.

9 What ls anecdotal evidence and how may it be useful in your research?

10 What aretwo benefits of organiz.ing and storing research materi­ alsonline, in the cloud, rather than just on your computer?


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April 10, 2023
Research Questions
Review Questions:
1 Primary sources are firsthand accounts of an event or topic, such as diaries or eyewitness testimonies. Secondary sources are interpretations or analyses of primary sources, such as textbooks or articles. Tertiary sources are summaries or compilations of secondary sources, such as encyclopedias. Example: primary - personal diary, secondary - history book, tertiary - encyclopedia entry.
2 A research plan should include questions, hypotheses, research design, methodology, data collection, data analysis, and a timeline.
3 A desktop search tool lets you search your computer's files and folders. It can help you quickly locate files and documents on your computer.
4 Using quotation marks around search terms narrows the search results to only those containing the exact phrase within the quotes. If quotation marks are not used, the search engine may return results that include all terms but not necessarily in the same order.
5 The three criteria for evaluating source credibility are authority (who wrote it), accuracy (if the information is supported by evidence), and objectivity (if the author's perspective is unbiased).
6 Survey research allows you to gather data from a more significant sample size and is often more cost-effective than other research methods. Interviews allow you to gather more in-depth and personalized data but may be more time-consuming and costly.
7 Range refers to the difference between a data set's highest and lowest values. Mean is the ave...
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