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Expanding Ownership of Global Companies

Essay Instructions:

*use textbook info from the examples, as I do not have the book and those were other classmates posts
Using the readings you have done and your own experiences, discuss our book chapters five and six.
Opening the System and Preserving Balance
Discuss the ways in which a global company can expand ownership and develop future leaders. Include ideas on how a global company or leader can preserve balance by adapting and adding value while keeping its core values and still be flexible. Present your ideas and analysis; cite the page numbers in your reading. List the key words as your list of topics:
How a global company can expand ownership
How a global company can develop future leaders
Hello Classmates -
Developing Ownership in Global Companies
Typically, global companies begin as successful local or national companies. Making the jump to a successful multinational or global company presents more than logistical challenges. Expanding ownership in the global market requires time, planning, follow-through, and the willingness to learn and change. Everyday activities, like communication preferences, should be examined. Demonstrating flexibility and switching to a brief text in lieu of a long email (Kindle location 1852) is a simple yet effective way to improve communication channels. Embracing and promoting local talent is essential to build an understanding of the new market. Leaders who are new to the country or region should observe and enlist knowledgeable and trustworthy local colleagues to provide insight and critical feedback.
This critical feedback loop will help leaders develop effective marketing, advertising, and customer engagement within the market. Effectual leaders who use feedback and critical self-assessment will learn and develop the skills relevant to different cultures. For example, Latin American tends to prefer the charismatic / value leadership approach over an autonomous practice. However, employing the charismatic method would be a misstep in the Middle East which favors a self-protective leadership style. Once the preferred method is identified, leaders should clearly share expectation for which the team will be held accountable (Kindle 1820).
Adept companies will also ensure a horizontal network system where subsidiaries are free to collaborate with each other and the corporate office directly. In comparison to the traditional hierarchy this network allows more autonomy to serve the market appropriately. Unfortunately, giving up control in a distance land is difficult. One of my prior employer's purchased large multi nation company in Europe because prior efforts to establish a presence were unsuccessful. One of the first steps the US corporate office took was to replace the European CEO with a senior vice president (SVP) from Houston. Within six months, the SVP transferred to a new project, and every six to nine months the corporate office sent a new SVP. Consequently sales stagnated and employee turnover skyrocketed. Finally after three SVPs, the US HQ realized they were not respecting the European market for its unique value and finally promoted the original CEO to run the European operation.
Developing future leaders
Developing local talent is crucial to build a sustainable, growing, global organization. In addition to hiring local talent, leaders and managers need to identify and provide growth opportunities for promising staff members. Although selecting high-potential employees may seem like an easy process, stereotypes and misconceptions can cloud the selection process despite the best intentions (Kindle location 1712).
Leaders must allow time to build trust and listen to their team members. Listening to understand will also help leaders determine an appropriate leadership style for the region (Kindle location 1742). Empowering employees to undertake projects and tasks differently from the leader’s preferred style will demonstrate support for the employees and location conventions (Kindled location 1742).
As leaders strive to empower their teams and develop them for future leadership, leaders must be approachable and accessible. Regular feedback to and from their teams will help build trust and allow both parties to re-frame their approach within the groups, headquarters, other subsidiaries, and market to continue bringing value to the employees and the business.
Gundling, Ernest, et al. What Is Global Leadership?: 10 Key Behaviors That Define Great Global Leaders. Nicholas Brealey Pub., 2011.
How a global company can expand ownership
First, let’s discuss “expand ownership”. From an undistinguished point of view it could mean gaining more shares, opening more business locations or even operating as a sole proprietor. However, in Chapter 5, Opening the System, pg. 79, “the global leadership behavior expand ownership means to create a sense of engagement in a shared process and accountability for setting and achieving targets with both global and local significance.
With the clear distinction of what this version of expanding ownership means, there are many ways that I think a global company can expand ownership. Let’s discuss a few that I believe can be beneficial in this feat.
Employ people that are willing to fundamentally change their approach (What is Global Leadership, pg. 82). Employees who are willing to change their point of view from the start and not be biased based on their origins will help allow this to happen. As an example, when I lived in India for a few months I made a cognizant decision to adhere to the same cultural beliefs of my counterparts. I dressed as they did, spoke about religion and acceptance as they did and ate in the manner and the same food as they did. I listened and heard more than I did respond and interject. I was very clear about where I lived and the belief system that I grew upon, however, I had to be more than willing to hear and understand others experience and culture in order to develop a relationship and clear lines of communications.
Be inclusive rather than exclusive (What is Global Leadership, pg. 86). “…crafting processes for gathering and sharing information, exchanging ideas, and making decisions that are systematically inclusive rather than exclusive” (What is Global Leadership, pg. 86). Learning to adhere to time differences, language differences, cultural differences etc. can make all the difference. This ensures that you are allowing yourself to be open to the idea that not everyone works on the same principles and processes that you do in the region in which you represent, but that you are being accepting of how other people communicate and view their social priorities.
These are just two of the many way to be successful in the expansion of ownership. Your clientele in contingent on how you are willing to adjust and be forward thinking about your employees and their contributions and HOW they can contribute that will make all the difference.
How a global company can develop future leaders
A global company can develop future leaders by identifying and cultivating high-potential individuals, regardless of their country of origin (What is Global Leadership, pg. 90). It is very easy to dismiss potential employees to stereotypes and personal beliefs. Maybe they don’t think like you do or communicate very different from the way in which you are used to. However, this would be a huge mistake in thinking that these employees are incapable of helping to create the global company that you envision. It is the very reason that they may do things different that you are accustomed to that your vision may come into fruition and be successful.
Achieving balance is another way to develop future leaders. “Building a foundation of mutual respect and inquiry and patiently investing the time to learn about the new environment before initiating something new” (What is Global Leadership, pg. 99) is priceless. For at least 2 months I had tea at 2am. I ate my food on banana leaves and covered my skin head to toe out of respect for the beliefs of my fellow Hindi friends. Eventually, the relationships became seamless. We spoke in great respect of one another’s origins and decided silently that we had forged friendships beyond building an empire. This allowed us to be able to discuss the diversity amongst the cultures and respect them in a way that allowed all the future leaders to develop and bring their most authentic selves to the table.
Being successful in global leadership entails more that just reading a book and staying abreast of what is happening abroad. Its more about achieving balance, being open to diversity and not stonewalling those who may come from a different background than what you are accustomed to. Genuinely getting to know where and what you are dealing with is a bonus and in the end, you can create valuable future leaders who area more than willing to bring their most authentic selves to the table, all the while, allowing you to move towards creating a very possible successful global business.
How a global company can expand ownership:
Global companies can expand ownership by properly training others within the company in a variety of roles to take on more responsibility and have a bigger input in opinions and decision making. The text says, "working in a global context brings new and sometimes hidden obstacles to involving those who are best informed and able to contribute decision making, and who will also be critical to effective implementation." (pg. 79) A great example of this is the apprenticeship program my company has. The program originally started in London which is our headquarters location. The program went on for many years before it was brought to the Chicago office. I know that they had to deal with some of their "hidden obstacles" as it was a new program and they needed to fix them in the best way possible before expanding to a different country. The program has now been in Chicago for four years and is just now expanding to other cities in the U.S. The coordinators have had a variety of people involved in the feedback and future implementation process such as leadership, apprentices, HR and many more. It is important to have diversity in order to think critically through these types of projects which requires having different people involved and expending ownership.
How a global company can develop future leaders:
Global companies can develop future leaders by investing in their talent’s growth primarily their local talent. The text states "for an organization to achieve ambitious targets in key growth markets around the world, it is essential to develop local talent. Such development must include the capability to weigh global and local perspectives with the best interests of the company as a whole in mind." (pg. 90) Going back to my example on the apprenticeship program my company implemented, they brought in talent that typically would have not been hired and brought them into a corporate setting. This allowed for a different pool of talent to bring in new ideas and perspectives. With the proper training and investment to this talent it can be developed into future leadership.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ownership, Balance, Value, and Flexibility
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Expanding Ownership of Global Companies
Owning a business is always a difficult job since there is so much danger when entering the business world, so many unknowns, and you don't want your firm to lose what it has already accomplished. You want your firm to keep growing, especially if it's a multinational corporation.
Because they are scattered all over the world, a global corporation is typically known everywhere; their success is the consequence of their desire and dream to become more significant than what they started. Being a global firm necessitates that employees and staff be open-minded and willing to appreciate various cultures. Because when a firm decides to grow its ownership in a foreign nation, it must accept and respect that country's culture and religion in order to blend in with its citizens comfortably. Not only is it critical to understand the company's culture and religion, but it is also critical to understand the current political climate and disputes with other countries since they will have a significant impact on the company's logistical operations.
McDonald's, for example, is a globally recognized fast food restaurant; in the United States, they do not serve rice with their meals because most Americans do not eat rice daily; however, when McDonald's decided to expand their business in the Philippines, they added rice to their menu because the Philippines is a rice-eating country with a large rice population. This is an excellent example of adapting ...
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