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Mobile Internet, Automation of Knowledge and the Internet of Things

Essay Instructions:

*refer to the student examples at the bottom of needed* Only needs to be 1-2 pages in length
Using the readings you have done and your own experiences, discuss our book chapters one, two, and three on mobile internet, automation of knowledge work and the internet of things (IoT) on pages 23 to 60. Also read Prepping for the Future and watch the related videos listed in Contents. Take a look at the Map: Submarine Cable Map 2020 also in Contents.
IOT- what is it?
How Internet of Things - IoT & Cyber Physical Systems Will Shape The 4th Industrial Revolution
IOT Security
Discuss your analysis and experiences with the information presented on mobile internet, automation of knowledge work and the internet of things (IoT) in the following topics: Potential scope of impact, their ability to have a significant economic value, and their potential to be disruptive. Include your business and personal experiences with these technologies. Describe the changes you think each technology will have in ten years. List each technology as a sub-topics and discuss the above issues about each technology.
Respond to at least two of your peers by commenting on their ideas, and/or asking for clarification.
Begin your Word document by typing these assigned topics in bold: Example:
My analysis and experiences with the following technologies
Mobile Internet - reading and include the related video
Potential scope of impact
Write your ideas here
Potential economic value
Write your ideas here
Potential to be disruptive
Write your ideas here
My business and personal experiences with mobile internet
Write your ideas here
Changes this technology might have in ten years
Write your ideas here
Clearly cite ideas/facts from the reading and then your experiences with it, if any.
--- Write these same topics for automation of knowledge and discuss your ideas under each topic.
Clearly cite ideas/facts from the reading and then your experiences with it, if any.
--- Write the same topics for the internet of things (IoT) and discuss your ideas under each topic.
--- For IoT add: select any one of the three listed videos and discuss the information provided--describe several key facts you learned and your experiences and opinion about them.
Mobile Internet:
Potential Scope of Impact:
The internet’s scope of impact in this day and age is endless. Basically everything nowadays is internet based and if you aren’t you are behind. An endless stream of information is basically in everyone’s pocket and information can be looked up on a moments notice.
Potential Economic Value:
The economic value is endless and most things will be on the internet by 2025. Even when you look at things like cryptocurrency where people are generating currency through the internet and given an actual value to it’s name. There really is an endless possibility of what the internet could be.
Potential to be Disruptive:
The internet has endless possibilities and new ideas that are being brought to the table every day. When I see things being created and new ideas happening it is wild to think of what people can come up with using the internet. The biggest for me is even watching the cryptocurrency market and the coins that people can generate and then people can buy them using crypto wallets.
My Business and Personal with Mobile Internet:
Using the internet has been a part of my life for a good majority of it. Using it at work with finding new clients and being able to communicate with them through emails and LinkedIn. Really almost all of my job revolves around the internet and being able
Changes this Technology Might have in 10 Years:
The biggest change I can see in the next 10 years is more and more people being able to get access to the internet. With more and more people being able to access the internet there will be new technology and new inventions that will come from it and the world will be a better place because of it.
Automation of Knowledge:
Potential Scope of Impact:
The scope of impact when it comes to automation of knowledge is potentially endless. Some jobs are becoming obsolete and completely computer run to the point where humans won’t be needed anymore for certain jobs.
Potential Economic Value:
The economic value by 2025 has the potential to be $6.7 trillion dollars with all the software systems that are being implemented and integrated into their systems.
Potential to be Disruptive:
To me the potential to be disruptive is in the delivery phase. With robots and drones soon being implemented full time into delivering orders I can see how a company could come in and try and takeover what Amazon is doing where they are slowly rolling out delivery drones.
My Business and Personal with Automation of Knowledge:
While the only business I have right now with automation of knowledge is used for when I am budgeting for events that I am managing and using data to help make proposals to my clients.
Changes this Technology Might have in 10 Years:
The biggest change I can see in 10 years is more computer and robot driven delivery devices. You can see it on some college campuses where they have delivery robots that take food around campus and you can pull your food right out of the middle of the machine.
Internet of Things:
Potential Scope of Impact:
The potential impact could help manufacturing and healthcare. With so many devices connected to the internet you can connect them all together and send data easier and smoother than now.
Potential Economic Value:
By 2025 the potential impact could be $2.5 trillion dollars and could greatly improve healthcare and to become more efficient.
Potential to be Disruptive:
The potential to be disruptive could be endless where you have so many different technologies that could come from it. There are millions of devices out there and finding ways to connect them all could be huge when it comes to new technology.
My Business and Personal with Internet of Things:
I really don’t have too much personal links to this type of technology. Really the only things I have contact with are the cameras and censors that I installed around our lake house that monitor the area while we aren’t there.
Changes this Technology Might have in 10 Years:
I think the biggest thing would be the new inventions in healthcare. New medical devices and censors that can track things that we couldn’t have even thought about 5 years ago. The medical field is changing everyday with more and more technology coming out.
My analysis and experiences with the following technologies
Mobile Internet - reading and include the related video
Potential scope of impact: The scope of impact for mobile internet is massive and will touch billions by 2025. With this new technology billions of lives will be always connected to the internet. The changes in traditions will forever be changed. UNICEF estimates that more than 100 million children will not attend school, and few of the farmers on the world’s 500 million small-scale farms have broader access to markets. Also, Media and entertainment consumption on mobile devices has grown and is rapidly shifting viewers from cable and broadcast channels. Time spent playing video games, emailing, and text messaging on mobile phones grew 200 percent in the past four years.
Potential economic value: This new technology can generate 3.7 trillion to 10.8 trillion in revenue once it is completely underway. The reading states that half of the value will come from using mobile devices. With 3.5 billion people in developing economies having the internet by 2025 the global impact of this technology will be high.
Potential to be disruptive: This shift into mobile internet will have a large affect on power and power sourcing. Reaching the full potential of mobile Internet use will require device makers to pack more computing power, sharper displays, multiple sensors, and powerful antennas into ever-smaller mobile devices. Adding to the complexity of the task, these features, processors, and data-intensive uses all raise power consumption—yet battery size cannot increase due to the size constraints of mobile devices. Wireless carriers could face increasing challenges in profiting from the growth of mobile Internet use. Intensifying competition among wireless carriers is already squeezing margins on mobile data plans.
My business and personal experiences with mobile internet:
The impact my personal life experienced with mobile internet has been all great things. Over the years I have been able to remain in contact with family members that I normally would not see on a regular basis. I saw a commercial released by Facebook allowing what seemed like a grandparent be able to talk and see her grandchildren and I found the concept of the video mimic my own life. From a business standpoint the changes that came along with making sure I have a secure device to conduct business emails and work alone both helpful and a hindrance.
Changes this technology might have in ten years:
The changes I foresee happing within the next tens years a lack of empathy for the fellow person. I think that people will become to used to speaking to each other virtually that some will become so detached to actual human interactions.
Automation of Knowledge
Potential scope of impact: The potential for emerging tools to have a dramatic economic impact by 2025. It is estimated that knowledge work automaton tools and systems could take on tasks that would be equal to the output of 110 million to 140 million full-time equivalents (FTEs). In 40 years of automating transaction work, in some US transaction occupations, more than half of the jobs were eliminated this can be related to when ATMs took on the work of bank tellers, self-serve airline reservation systems replaced travel agents, and typists all but disappeared.
Potential economic value: The potential economic impact of knowledge automation tools in the types of work that were assessed could reach $5.2 trillion to $6.7 trillion per year by 2025 due to greater output per knowledge worker. The largest potential impact in common business functions such as clerical and administrative work ($1.7 trillion to $2.2 trillion), followed by jobs in the social services sector such as education and health care ($1.1 trillion to $1.4 trillion), and then technical professions and management.
Potential to be disruptive: This technology has the potential to become pervasive, transforming the economics of many industries, but also posing challenges and opportunities for technology providers, virtually all business leaders, individuals, and policy makers.
My business and personal experiences with Automation of Knowledge:
I think that automation of knowledge will play a big role in what I do now. Since AOK will focus on computers performing tasks analyzing data and problem solving I can see my current employer jumping on board to take advantage of this new technology.
Changes this technology might have in ten years:
The changes I see in the next 10 years is a booming industry for knowledge workers but a decline of working personnel. Since this technology is geared towards making solving problems on its own I don’t think that many people will need to be employed since machines will be able to do the critical thinking for them.
Internet of Things (IoT)
Potential scope of impact: The Internet of Things refers to the use of sensors, actuators, and data communications technology built into physical objects—from roadways to pacemakers—that enable those objects to be tracked, coordinated, or controlled across a data network or the Internet. Companies will be able to manage the performance of individual machines and systems—an assembly line full of robots and other machines. IoT has the potential to address many major needs, including improved resource productivity and infrastructure management.
Potential economic value: The Internet of Things has the potential to create economic impact of $2.7 trillion to $6.2 trillion annually by 2025. The largest impacts among sized applications would be in health care and manufacturing. Across the health-care applications we analyzed, Internet of Things technology could have an economic impact of $1.1 trillion to $2.5 trillion per year by 2025.
Potential to be disruptive: This technology will be merging the physical and digital world which will have implications for privacy, security, and even how companies are organized. Policy makers will likely have a long list of issues to resolve to allow the benefits of Internet of Things applications while protecting the rights and privacy of citizens.
My business and personal experiences with Internet of Things (IoT) :
I think that on a personal level this advancement will be great. Thinking of how this technology can transcend into the medical field and could possibly save lives.
Changes this technology might have in ten years:
This technology will revolutionize how simple tasks can be converted to smart devices. Chores will be a thing of the past because phones will be able to handle the simplest things. I would not be surprised if self-lawn mowers will be part of this technology rollout.
For IoT add: select any one of the three listed videos and discuss the information provided--describe several key facts you learned and your experiences and opinion about them.
Video: IoT - Internet of Things | What is IoT?
Data transferred to the internet
Smart homes are examples of IoT
IoT can read data and help assist with simple functions like watering the grass
There will be over 80 billion smart devices by 2025
Hi all,
My analysis and experiences with the following technologies:
Mobile Internet
Potential scope of impact
There is a great impact in today’s society with their mobile devices such as cellphones and tablets. To an extent they almost feel as if they have become essential. These devices are allowed people the ability to look up anything with the touch of a button. People are also able to connect almost immediately not just through phone calls but through many other communication platforms on these mobile devices.
Potential Economic Value
By 2025 it is predicted that mobile internet could generate a global economic impact of up to $3.7 to $10.8 trillion per year. Being able to connect people through these devices is a great deal especially when a big chunk is coming from developing countries. This leads to a great amount of expansion.
Potential to be disruptive
Technology and innovation are a great part of development and with development there is disruption. This past year has been particularly difficult, and we have had to rely on technology more than ever to do one’s job. I work in consulting and it has been easy to take my work into my personal space vs. the office however it is a different experience. While once I was client facing, I must now rely on that technology will work always when I am trying to do my work. If something is not working with the devices, it causes a lot of disruption and can cost client relationships.
My business and personal experiences with mobile internet
I started working in retail when I was 17 and I remember after a couple of years all stores started using some type of tablet to process orders. That was my first exposure at seeing how these devices started taking over. Now I work in a consulting company where our technology is everything. I am constantly on my phone and could not even imagine running down for coffee without taking my work phone. When I was going into the office and had to commute on the train I remember how important it was for me to have a fully charged phone because a lot of my work was done on there.
Changes this technology might have in ten years
I believe that in ten years this technology will only become more essential and there will be a demand in working to improve it. We have become very dependent on these devices not only to work but also in our everyday personal lives.
Automation of Knowledge
Potential scope of impact
There is a great impact on what automation does to many work tasks. With technology developing the way that it has there’s been an impact on reducing the amounts of tasked needed to be done by a person. For example, most grocery stores now have the self-checkout capabilities which takes away from a person have to preform that task.
Potential Economic Value
It is predicted that by 2025 the impact could be as much as $5.2 to $6.7 trillion. This impact would be great for developing countries because of the amount of work that will come out of it for people.
Potential to be disruptive
Potential disruption can come from over relying on automation. Although technology has made such great impacts it is important to remember that it could potentially break down. People have become so dependent of newer technology that it is easy to forget soft skills because they are so dependent.
My business and personal experiences with automation of knowledge
I think that automation is a great step toward innovation and can be very helpful. Although I do not personally use it in the work that I do I acknowledge the importance but also recognize that is can be a work in progress. Going back to the grocery store self-checkout example, I personally love to use it but am frustrated when for whatever reason it is not working, and I have to do it the traditional way. We can over rely on technology and it might now always work.
Changes this technology might have in ten years
It is hard to imagine what automation will be like in ten years as it is advancing at such a quick pace and its only gets better. Cars are almost practically driving themselves it’s hard to imagine what the new advances will be like. With that being said I do have a fear that people will start to forget soft skills because they have become dependent of the automation technology.
Internet of Things
Potential scope of impact
IoT growth can connect devices on a different level and gives that ability to keep track of many moving pieces. With being able to have multiple devices connected it brings up many different possibilities.
Potential Economic Value
It is predicted that by 2025 IoT will have the possibility to have an economic impact of $1.5 to $2.5 trillion. This can improve and drive production which will have an impact on things such as health care and manufacturing.
Potential to be disruptive
IoT has a lot of impacts but are also technology that can be disruptive. IoT still needs to be more developed because with so many things being connected one piece could result as a negative impacted for a bigger picture. Not only that but this can start crossing into privacy boundaries.
My business and personal experiences with mobile internet
I personally do not have experience with IoT but my fear of it is, is the privacy boundaries it my cross. I am excited about the advancements made with technology but am also a bit scared that a lot of human interaction is being impacted by it.
Changes this technology might have in ten years
I’m not too sure where this technology will be in ten years but I’d imagine it would be improved and bugs would be fixed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
6.1 Mobile Internet, Automation of Knowledge and the Internet of Things
Mobile Internet:
Potential Scope of Impact:
No limits exist so far to the potential of the internet. Companies are transforming themselves to be reliant on this resource. People will also become more dependent on it for communication and entertainment purposes, as illustrated by the rapid rise of social media platforms, online gaming channels, and streaming sites like Netflix and Hulu.
Potential Economic Value:
Ongoing technological advancements will revolutionize the economic niche. As coverage increases by 2025, the reading indicates that revenue will rapidly increase in trillions of dollars. Projections already exist with the way people are starting to trade global stocks online due to connectivity.
Potential to be Disruptive:
Mobile internet is already a disruptive technology. It has changed the past norm by making it easy to send messages. People no longer rely on traditional post offices since it is easy and instant to reach each other. These wireless carriers have to adapt or exit the market, demonstrating the disruptive nature of this technology.
My Business and Personal Experiences with Mobile Internet:
With mobile internet, I find it effortless to stay connected with my family and friends. Even when we do not meet physically for weeks, face time makes interaction seem real-life. I have experienced similar benefits in the business niche. Clients no longer have to find me physically. They need to schedule, and we can discuss terms through the mobile internet and enter a contract.
Changes this technology Might have in 10 Years:
In the next ten years, virtually every business will shift to online operations through this technology. Interactions will also be instant with minimal interruptions. However, people might become more isolated and lonelier.
Automation of Knowledge:
Potential Scope of Impact:
It is challenging to predict the potential impact. The automation rate is rapid today, indicating that worries are rising that computers and robots will replace more humans, equivalent to 140 million in workplaces.
Potential Economic Value:
The technology could trigger up to 6.7 trillion-dollar gains by 2025. It promises to bring applications that increa...
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