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Business Morals and Ethics

Essay Instructions:

In the paper: 

(1) Start by explaining the moral problem or outlining the case. 

(2) Then present the moral arguments which support your conclusion. You may use whatever approach to moral argumentation (from among those we have studied) that you choose. Make clear the moral criterion you are using to decide the issue. Develop your arguments clearly, step by step, giving reasons for the position you defend. 

(3) Present and answer at least one argument that someone on the other side of the question might put forth.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Business morals and ethics
To build a good reputation, any business has to comply with moral obligations of a society. Good reputation helps build a platform for marketing (Bird, page 35). However some circumstances creates a dilemma on the root to be taken. Tulpan investment agencies, a leading investment company for real estates and properties, is a business that faces moral problems trying to balance between moral issues and income generation. A Tulpan investment agency is a leading business firm that manages properties including houses and machinery. The companies assume the ownership of the aforementioned properties and lend them to people. The company then takes the money from the clients and then transfers the collected revenue to the real owners of the properties.
Rent collection is the leading property management practice. All tenants have signed an agreement contract stating that the rent of their houses is collected before the 5th date of the preceding month. Failure to comply leads to evacuation from the house and some of your properties sold to cater for the rent expenses. (Carroll et al, page 17) Shows that the move is viewed as considerate in running the firm since the company would end up making losses at the end of the month if the customers end up not paying rent. However, moral problems do arise in contemplating the above move when people affected include little children and women. Considering that rent collection goes hand in hand with income generation, being affirmative is an attribute which the company has to adopt to attain target and keep it running. This bring out a problem on what should be the best move with the aim of not damaging reputations.
Usingthe Subjective mode of approach to judging moral standards recommend ethical guidelines and base judgments on personal values (Donelson, page 11). If a business only contemplates whether or not an act would intrude upon the ethical standards of your company, you may be viewing the issue from a narrower perspective than the society. The public may be more worried about whether or not your business is publicly responsible than with whether or not you follow the regulations and professional conduct of your business (Bird, page 54). Professional standards are necessary, but more must be considered if you want the business to be undertaken as a benefit to the society. In moral consideration of the situation, clients should not be evacuated like that, and more so their properties should not handle with respect and their economic status be considered before locking their houses and auctioning the properties. Moreover, Tulpan agencies should consolidate all tenants and ship in their pockets to maintain good relations and trust with other members...
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