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Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
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Firestone Tire Class action Suite

Essay Instructions:

Pick a moral problem or a case in business that we have not already analyzed in any detail in class. A moral problem is one in which there is some difference of opinion on what is right and wrong. The issue is not clear cut and there is no consensus about it. Similarly, a case should be one about which there is some debate. Write a paper arguing to a conclusion about the morality of the problem or the case you have chosen. The problem may consist either of a general issue of policy or a specific issue that is found in a case you analyze. 

In your paper: (1) Start by explaining the moral problem or outlining the case. (2) Then present the moral arguments which support your conclusion. You may use whatever approach to moral argumentation (from among those we have studied) that you choose. Make clear the moral criterion you are using to decide the issue. Develop your arguments clearly, step by step, giving reasons for the position you defend. (3) Present and answer at least one argument that someone on the other side of the question might put forth.

You may use this assignment to pursue some moral issue in business we have not discussed in class. The issue might be one raised in some other class or one you find in the newspapers or periodicals . . . or it might be one that you are simply concerned about. The problem might deal with some aspect of a business practice within a profession in which you are interested; it might concern individual or corporate responsibility; it can deal with an aspect of advertising, discrimination and affirmative action, conflict of interest, trade secrets, multinationals, as examples. You may use a case in the text, as long as we have not discussed it and DeGeorge does not resolve it. You may use any sources that you wish for background information. The paper, however, is not to be a report of what other people say; you are to argue the issue to a conclusion. 

If it is helpful, you might think of the paper as an article that you are writing to convince the general public about the morality of a practice or case; you might also think of it as a letter to a CEO or the President to convince of the morality or immorality of some practice or policy. A good paper will be well argued, and so convincing.

Your paper should be 3 to 5 pages in length. As with all of our papers, it should be formatted double-spaced with one-inch margins and will include a properly formatted works cited. There should also be at least 3 sources cited.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course title:
Moral Issues In Business
Although the target of any given business is to make the maximum profit since businesses are run by human beings, it is only human to consider doing so in alignment with morals expected in the society. May, Douglas, Mathew and Catherine (2014) argue that many global businesses have embraced the notion of applying moral ethics. This paper discusses the moral problem of corporations that generate wastes into the environment without much consideration of the effects of doing so as long as they meet the local government requirement in dumping of such waste.
Waste product disposal:
In many product generation businesses, the leaders do not concern themselves with the dumping of the waste products. They only ensure that the local government rules are observed in dumping of the waste products. In most cases, the laws stipulated by the local authorities do not fully satisfy the moral requirement necessary in addressing such a problem. For example some governments will allow for dumping of dangerous waste products in rivers as long as many people do not use water from the river for domestic purpose.
Moral argument
It could be argued that the fact that a government has allowed for dumping of waste product in a river (on basis that only a few people use it); then it is morally right, and more so business wisely gainful, to dump the said product in the said area. But a scrutiny would realize the moral deficit in such an argument. In the face of morality, even one single person is worthy too many. Thus, even if the river is used by only a few people, who do not have any other source of water; then no business (company) should dump waste product in that river. Dumping of waste material should not squarely depend on what the government stipulates. Moral issues on bound by the law, rather they touch on the conscience of one as an individual before spilling to be aligned with the expectations of the society.
In a company you may find that, in the face of such a moral issue as this, most employees will just side with the leadership of the company. Even if they feel that it is morally wrong, they may not air their voices. For instance, if the company advocates dumping in a river that only a few people use, the subordinate staff will often agree to such without much ado for fear of losing their job. This is not a morally right path to take because, even though a company employs one to bring in profit and expects the employer to act as per the r...
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