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Artificial intelligence paper

Essay Instructions:
Complete a 2 page research paper -double spaced that describes artificial intelligence. You must discuss how to use Artificial Intelligence ethically and responsibly. You must research two tools that would be helpful in your future careers.  Requirements include: Microsoft word 2019/2021 format  Site your sources or references. No use of Wikipedia. Must include a works sited page. Include a brief summary OR conclusion at the end 
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Artificial intelligence paper Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to technological systems that allow computers to undertake advanced actions mainly associated with intelligent beings. Technology engineers formulated the term to describe the intellectual processes these machines can undertake that are characteristic of humans, such as the ability to reason, see, understand, and make decisions (Copeland, 2024). Therefore, as research in this area continues, new programs continue to come up that allow machines in the form of robots to undertake more complex tasks and even surpass humans in terms of reasoning and making decisions. AI can be useful and harmful, depending on how it is used. Ethical and responsible use of these technologies guarantees immense benefits, whereas reckless application often leads to poor outcomes, such as damaging one’s brand. Marr (2021) outlines some of the important considerations for ensuring ethical and responsible usage of AI. The first step is to educate members and create awareness about AI's capabilities and challenges. Users need to understand how to stay within the ethical boundaries and how to use it to meet their goals. Secondly, transparency is important when using AI. According to Marr (2021), users, both at personal and organizational levels, must be open and honest about how they are using AI. One needs to be clear and transparent with the...
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