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International Trade:Unemployment Rate, Income, and Price Control

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My topic for the essay is International Trade, and i discussed about three issues: The rises of unemployment rate; Uneven distribution of income; And prices control those three issues in my previous papers.

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International trade affects firms in various ways, some of which are simple and others so complex that they require more attention in terms of research. The annotations provided in this paper focus on how international trade relates to businesses, in terms of unemployment rates, price controls, and inequality in income distribution.
Awad, A, and I. Yussof. "International trade and unemployment: Evidence from selected Arab countries." Middle East Development Journal 8.2 (2016): 198-229.
The article investigates how unemployment and international trade interact among Arab countries. The main purpose of the study is to determine whether a country risks facing high or low employment rates once it gets involved in international trade. The study reveals that there exists a positive relationship between employment and international trade, indicating that countries that participate in international trade have low unemployment rates. The authors conclude that there is a need for more research on the subject to conclusively support their findings, although they indicate that it is important to identify which international trade policies can reduce unemployment both in the long and short run. This article will add more insights into my final research paper.
Rydzek, B. "Trade effects of income inequality witthin and between countries." JEL Classifications (2013): 1.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the relationship between trade between countries and income inequality. The author uses a non-homothetic preference and structural change model and the findings of the study reveal that countries with a low rate of income inequality are associated with a wider manufacturing and production market for goods. Further, the author indicates that exports and imports between countries increase when the rate of income inequality is low, suggesting that for international trade to thrive, there must be a significant level of income equality. This article will be helpful in my final research paper because it gives more insight into how international trade relates to income inequality.
Geng, D. and K. Saggi. "External reference pricing policies, price controls, and international patent protection." JEL Classifications (2015): 1.
The authors investigate how pricing controls and a country’s external reference pricing (ERP) influence the availability and pricing of a domestic firm’s patented products in an international market. Using a model that focuses on how domestic firms perform when selling their patented products in a domestic market and in an intern...
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