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Weinhardt’s Ethical Dilemma The Leader Of Any Organization

Essay Instructions:

Two-page picture ppt is required. Please write according to 7 steps.

Two pdfs are reading content

Please write all contents according to the contents of pdf.

1) Patricia Coulter's Dilemma

2) Lenhage AG: Ethical Dilemma - (International Case)

- It is NOT a team/group assignment, it is to be completed on your own

-Apply the decision making model to each case using all seven steps (see slides 46 and 47). You do not answer the questions posed in the case studies.


- Up to one and a half pages (single spaced) in length for each case.

DUE DATE: Due Sunday, Nov 4, 11:59pm. Electronic only.

Format- Word file or PDF only! A 0 grade if submitted in another format.

- via Blackboard (do not send your case studies to Melissa Smith)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Weinhardt’s Ethical Dilemma
First of all, this is indeed an ethical dilemma. Weinhardt is indeed between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, he is going to miss out on a once in a lifetime deal. As indicated in the case study, “the leader of any organization had the obligation to bring success and benefits to those who worked for him.” This means that if Weinhardt fails to deliver the deal for the company, he would be viewed as a failure by his employees and the company risked losing some of its best employees. On the other hand, if Weinhardt decides to pay the bribe, he risked going to jail, hurting his family, destroying the company’s reputation as well as any future business endeavors of the company. Additionally, he would destroy his career having worked hard to get to the point he was in.
The facts as indicated in the article include the following:
* Lenhage AG is the best supplier and manufactures the safest products considering the earthquake threats in South Korea.
* Weinhardt is a man who is conscious of business ethics. However, being conscious or aware of his situation has not made it any easier for him.
* The issuance of what the article describes as “facilitation payment” is considered the norm or is quite commonplace in South Korea.
* If Weinhardt fails to pay the bribe, Lenhage AG is likely to lose the business deal and many more after it. Additionally, the company is also likely to lose some employees who will lose faith in their boss.
* Paying the bribe is also likely to impact the company’s reputation, end Weinhardt’s career, hurt his family and lead to several years in jail.
Weinhardt’s Alternatives or Options
Well, while in Weinhardt’s position, the following are the possible alternatives:
Alternative 1 - Fail to pay the bribe and thus reinforce the company’s policy of not paying any bribes.
Alternative 2 - Pay the bribe and earn his company the other projects and business deals that will be available as a result of him securing the deal.
Alternative 3 - Engage some of his most trusted managers and let them share their ideas on what needs to be done. After brainstorming with his managers, Weinhardt should then make his final decision.
Alternative 4 - Consider reporting the matter to the government offices responsible for the projects. Being the sole manufacturer of the safest products, Weinhardt would report Lee to the government and insist that Lee would be endangering the lives of the people of South Korea by choosing the other company.
Evaluation of the Alternatives
Alternative 1
For this particular alternative, Weinhardt will have reinforced his company’s belief in integrity even at the expense of business. This will have made it easier for him to be trusted by his employers and thus open doors for him elsewhere or in higher positions. However, it would also impact him negatively. First of all, his company would lose business to the competitor and thus many other business deals in the future if Lee’s company is involved. Lenhage AG would also lose some of its employees because of their lack of belief in their boss.
Alternative 2
Weinhardt could pay the bribe, and this would earn Lenhage AG several deals with Lee and other companies in the future. He would earn his company a reputation that will earn them more deals in the future and thus help them to offset any strategies employed by their competitor. However, there is the probability that he could be captured and be sent to jail, destroy his company’s reputation globally, and also permanently end his career.
Alternative 3
The main advantage of this alternative is that it would help him share the burden of the dilemma. However, it would also make him look weak in the eyes of his managers. Lee divulged this information directly to him and thus believed in his capacity as a boss to make up his mind. So, involving his managers would make him look weak.
Alternative 4
Well, the main advantage of this option is that it will help end Lee’s corrupt leadership. However, it would destroy business for the company because other managers with characters similar to Lee’s would not want to work with Lenhage AG. And considering the fact that bribing is commonplace in South Korea will make business difficult for Lenhage AG.
Best Decision and Implementation
Weinhardt should not pay the bribe and thus reinforce the company’s belief in its policies. First of all, refusing to pay the bribe will Weinhardt at peace with himself. Paying the bribe would open doors for more situations which warrant bribes and having paid the first one, Weinhardt will be expected to pay many more. Secondly, refusing to pay the bribe will also help him secure his career and family. As a man who is conscious of business ethics, Weinhardt will be at peace with his decision regardless of the consequences of his actions.
Evaluation of Consequences
Lenhage will lose the business deal with Lee and probably any ...
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