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Business Society and Ethics: Analysis Paper 1 on "To Spray or Not to Spray"

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Professor Roberts
Business Society and Ethics
4 October 2020
Analysis Paper 1 on "To Spray or Not to Spray"
Section I.
Crocodile Cleansers is facing two choices now. The first option is to introduce the spray version of AB-stain. And the second is to launch a pump version which does not contain the propellant. Both of these options will have more or less different impacts on the company's stakeholders.
Aerosol Pump
Stockholders +++ +
Competitors -- -
Employees++ -
Customers ++ +
Community --- +
The aerosol spray version of AB-stain:
As we know, a shareholder is an individual, company, or institution that owns at least one company's share. Therefore, shareholders are essentially the company's owners; they benefit from the company's business success. If Crocodile Cleanser launches the spray version of AB-stain, the company will get a lot of revenue. According to the company's study, the spray version is more popular than both the pump and the liquid version. Also, the excellent product quality and performance of Ab-stain with the aerosol spray design favored by consumers can significantly meet consumers' demands. Therefore, the spray version of the product can bring a high sales volume and increased profits for the company, thus benefiting shareholders. The increase in the company's profits means that the company can pay its employees more and provide better employee benefits. However, the aerosol spray version of the cleaner will pose a significant threat to the health of the people living near the aerosol spray production factory. Also, if the company asks nearby residents, particularly the young and the elderly, to reduce their outdoor activities, this will have a tremendous negative impact on the community. Moreover, by producing a spray version of the product, the company will rapidly increase its market share in the detergent industry, which will pose a significant threat to its competitors.
Pump version AB-Stain
Consumers have a greater demand for the aerosol spray version of the cleanser products than cleanser products with pump heads, hence producing and selling the latter does not bring the most objective profit to the company. Companies can still profit from it, but they can't maximize it, so shareholders can only benefit a little. Also, since companies do not make very substantial profits, it's hard to guarantee that the company can provide better employee benefits or pay increases. Although the pump head design can alleviate the problems caused by the original liquid products in use, it is still not as convenient as the aerosol spray, so it cannot meet consumers' demand to a great extent. The company could increase its market share relatively through pump head products, which may pose some threat to competitors. Moreover, AB-Stain with pump head does not contain propellants that cause environmental problems and harm human health. Hence, it is beneficial to the plant's communities.
Section II.
Utilitarians mainly follow two ideas "The greatest good for the greatest number" (Deckop, 1) and "The ends justify the means" (Deckop,1). That is to say, the utilitarian will analyze the benefits and consequences of implementing decisions before they make them. They believe that specific decisions can hurt some people, but as long as more people gain than suffer, the decision is moral. Under Crocodile Cleansers' circumstances, a utilitarian manager will choose the spray version after analyzing both decisions. Using the generic stakeholder analysis from the first section, one can conclude that the spray version's benefits are more significant for Crocodile Cleansers than those found from the pump head version. Also, more stakeholders benefit from the spray version than those who suffer from it. Utilitarian managers do not feel any sense of guilt for posing...
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