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Design Flaw of Boeing 737 Max

Essay Instructions:

This is a true tragedy, but I believe the fix is super simple. I was surprised to find out the cause of this tragedy... Read the following two NYT articles:

Lion Air Crash: https://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2019/02/03/world/asia/lion-air-plane-crash-pilots.html

Ethiopian Air Crash: https://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2019/03/29/business/boeing-737-max-crash.html

For your information: https://en(dot)wikipedia(dot)org/wiki/Redundancy_(engineering)

Write a concise, original report (two-page report in Word) to answer the following questions. 1) which component was faulty and made two 737 Max flights crash? 2) what change can be made to the design of the system to prevent 737 Max from crashing? As usual, do not simply copy sentences from elsewhere. I want you to THINK. We will give you a full point as long as you explain your ideas and thoughts in your own words

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Design Flaw of Boeing 737 Max
The design flaws of the Boeing 737 Max led to many accidents, such as the Lion Air and Ethiopian crash. Both flights crashed due to a faulty sensor in the aircraft. The device is a vane-like component known as the angle-of-attack sensor that sticks out of the fuselage and functions by rotating based on the airflow. It is used in measuring how much lift the wings generate during a flight (Glanz, et al., In Ethiopia Crash, Faulty Sensor on Boeing 737 Max Is Suspected). The name refers to the angle between the oncoming air and the wing, and it has a role in warning the pilots if the aircraft could aerodynamically stall because of low lift, resulting in loss of control.
The Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS) flaws automatically moved the nose down while lifting the tail up due to faulty readings. The sensors can also be damaged easily during routine maintenance activities, operations, and other procedures around the aircraft. One sensor gave the MCAS system a false reading in the Ethiopian crash even though it was working correctly before take-off (Glanz et al., Max Crashed in October, Questions About the Plane Arose). The investigations attributed this to damage after take-off. The Lion Air jet sensor had false readings, and a sensor was replaced before the crash flight. During the flight, one sensor gave a false reading that differed from the sensor on the other side. The flight relied on readings from the single faulty sensor leadin...
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