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2 pages/≈550 words
Biological & Biomedical Sciences
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What is Inflammation and what is the effect of inflammation on the body

Essay Instructions:
Submit a minimum TWO (2) page paper written in your own words summarizing the current information on the topic "What is Inflammation and what is the effect of inflammation on the body. Write in your own words and list your sources (MLA format - see REFERENCES in textbook for format). Do not use quotes, charts, graphs, pictures, lists, or a cover page. Use a one line header listing your name and title of paper. The paper is double-spaced, 11 font, 1” margins. Reference a minimum of THREE (3) peer reviewed articles (example PUBMED and your textbook). Please include your references on a separate page at the end of the paper. (Wikipedia, magazine articles, ads are not peer reviewed). Include a paragraph of your personal opinion. The paper will be checked for plagiarism. Any paper with a Turnitin score over 10% will not be graded.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Surname Name Instructor Course Date What is Inflammation and what is the effect of inflammation on the body Inflammation is a biological process whereby the body defends itself from external threats while triggering the beginning of a healing process (Netea et al, 2017). The external threats include foreign bodies e.g. a thorn, bacteria, viruses, microorganisms, etc, which threaten the health of the body. This process in which the body fights against foreign bodies that can harm it, involves the release of white blood cells which spearhead and trigger the body’s immune response. This response may include the release of proteins and antibodies that attack the threats coupled with increased blood flow to the affected organ or area. The cells and mediators that participate in the immune response depends on the type of foreign body that the white blood cells detect in the body. Some of the factors that determine the chemicals participating in the defense include the stage of foreign body attack, the type of external threat, the organ or tissue under attack, whether the inflammation is acute or chronic, etc. Inflammation happens when the white blood cells release chemicals into the bloodstream or tissue to defend against perceived external threats or foreign bodies invading the system (Wang, Wang and Gershwin, 2015). The body then directs increased blood flow towards the injured area or location of infection, which then causes swelling, redness, tenderness to the touch, warmth, dysfunctional joints, joint pain and stiffness, etc. The sufferer may also experience pain as the nerves are triggered to react to the chemical processes taking place in the body. In acute inflammation the whole process may last for only a few hours to a few days. In chronic inflammation the process may linger much longer, forcing the body to be on a constant alert that may have a negative effect on the tissues and organs of the body (Netea et al, 2017). Chronic inflammation is...
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