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Who is Antonio Vivaldi?

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Antonio Vivaldi is considered as one of the most prominent composers of the Baroque period. For this project:

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Write a brief biography of Vivaldi (max 500 words), a typical page with 1-inch margins, 12 point font, double spacing

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Antonio Vivaldi
Antonio Vivaldi was a Baroque writer born in 1678 in Italy. His father, Battista Giovanni, initially a hair cutter before enhancing to playing the violin, trained Vivaldi to play the violin. According to Kaltwasser (2015), Vivaldi was trained at an early age, considering the vast musical understanding by 24, when he got an appointment to work at the Ospedale Della Pieta. People considered him one of the prominent Baroque composers, and became famous globally during his life.
At the age of fifteen, Vivaldi started learning to become a priest, and the church ordained him at the age of 25. He was later nicknamed "The Red Priest" regarding his hair color, a family character. He composed his music for the all-female music collection of the Ospedale Della pieta, an orphanage, where he worked as a Catholic priest. Shortly after Vivaldi's employment, the orphans started to gain interest and gave regard to his work. He composed concertos and more than 60 different sacred vocal music for the orphans. Besides, Johann Sebastian Bach greatly admired Antonio's concertos and arias. Bach translated six of Antonio's concerti for solo piano and harpsichords, among others.
In 1718, the governor of Mantua offered Antonio a privileged position as Maestro di Cappella of the court in Italy's northwest. This appointment was the only one that Vivaldi held as a full-time employee because he always worked as a freelance writer due to flexibility and brave opportunities. He relocated there for three years. His principal compositions in Mantua were operas, though he also wrote instrumental works and cantatas. During th...
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