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Video Reflection: History of the Roman Colosseum

Essay Instructions:

These assignments are designed to reinforce concepts, themes, and works of art and/or art movements discussed in lecture. Responses to the selected videos are not meant to be a finished essay; instead, these paragraph-length entries must demonstrate comprehension of the main ideas and themes presented in the video. In this essay, each video reflection has their own title which is the same as the video and a minimum 125word response. The video's links are in the document. Each link's video writes a 125-word reflection

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Video Reflection
The movie ‘’History of the Roman Colosseum,’’ describes the tallest Roman’s structure that has ever been constructed on earth’s surface. The building was called Colosseum and its construction was completed in 1880 by the Jewish captives. The construction of the structure took eight years and it was 150 feet tall. The major purpose of Colosseum was to entertain the larger audience through bloody, thrilling, and violent executions and fights among the Jewish slaves. Moreover, the arena had water channels that were connected to an aqueduct and an outlet to free them out of the arena. The water that was pumped into the arena was used in ship battles to entertain the audience. The arena is a symbol of power, wealth, and engineering and was designed not only to control the crowd but also to keep them comfortable.
The film of ‘’Veristic Male Portrait,’’ explains the facial expressions of various sculptures of the ancient Roman republic and there comparison to those of Greece. The Roman republic sculptures are traced to the time when Rome was stilled controlled by a senate which was composed of council of elders. The system of leadership occurred before the origin of the Roman emperor. The sculptures reveal that the members of the senate were old people with enough knowledge and experience in life. Moreover, they were wealthy persons who were respected in the society. Specifically, the narrators analyzed the facial appearances of the late republic sculpture of Julius Caesar who was very old and was responsible in turning the republic into an emperor. The images were called The Veristic Portraits which means the truth in Latin language. However, the facial appearances of the images are deceitful because they do not seem to reveal the characters of people who are truthful. The variation is clear when the images are compared with that of Augustus who established the traditions of the ancient Greece....
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