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Visual & Performing Arts
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Everything Is Connected: Art and Conspiracy

Essay Instructions:

Write an exhibition review for the following show:

Everything Is Connected: Art and Conspiracy


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Everything Is Connected: Art and Conspiracy
Objects exhibited at Everything Is Connected: Art and Conspiracy. US were chosen for their cultural significance and artistic works of paranoid imaginings and responses of the artists at the Met Breuer. While some of the work area based on long standing political conspiracies, the artists also exhibited their creations on different conspiracies that are not widely known in the public domain (Lachowskyj). As the exhibition showed artworks that had been shown in the past five decades, this provided insights on how conspiracies influence art and even public discourse. The lack of information and even credibility on the government’s official positions is one of the reasons for the emergence of the conspiracies. There are both fact-based and fantastical works highlighting the experience of conspiracy in the exhibition.
Emory Douglas – The Black Panther Illustration on corporate interests, politics and the civil rights with a caption “I Gerald Ford am the 38th puppet of the United States” emphasizes that he president served the corporate interests and the president was their pawns. Douglas also highlighted that President Ford sought to undermine Black Panthers. This is one of the political arts and cartoons than linked the plight of the revolutionary blacks trying to emphasize the need to meet people’s needs rather than power over people. The illustrations were consistent with the message that resistance and change, was necessary to better serve the communities and the people suffered when the corporate interest dominated politics and policies, that threatened the interests of the poor people
The illustrations publicized conspiracies, fears and fantasies that dominated different decades from the late 60s. Conspiracies are closely linked to history where there are alternative explanations and theories about specific events. The exhibition captured this by showing diverse illustrations from artists looking into diverse subject matters form the 1969 to 2016. The US has undergone transformation in the past fifty years, and the art partly explains how the people and the government interacted in these eras. Different communities had been attack by the government based on whether they challenged legitimacy of the government. For instance, the emergence of the Black Panther Party where persecution by the police, was highlighted in Wake up! Art and citizen journalism by Douglas Eklund, where Black Panthers shared information and coordinated activities
Conspiracy theories increased substantially from the 1970s and so too was distrust in the government, and the polarized political climate may have worsened relations. This is especially with the abuse of power by government officials, and the exhibition captured this. The John F Kennedy assassination and Vietnam War were among the historical events where conspiracy theo...
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