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Theatre and Plays Assignment: The Merry Wives of Windsor (Theatre 383)

Essay Instructions:

Due no later than 6 p.m. on May 25, 2016   Deliver to instructor’s office, CPAC Bldg., Room 230..   DO NOT EMAIL PAPERS unless you have my permission to do so.

Your final is to be a 2 to 3 page paper, double-spaced, with a cover sheet and with your ticket attached.  Correct grammar, good organization and insightful, fully developed ideas will all be taken into consideration when your paper is graded.

Terminology which I expect you to use properly in your essay:

The playwright is the author of the play’s text; the screenwriter is the author of the film’s text.

The play is referred to as the play script, the text or the book.

The screenplay refers to the film or movie script.

The play on the stage is the staged play or the staged presentation/production.

The filmed version is the film adaptation, the film or the movie.


The final exam will be a written assignment about the elements and concepts in the style of comedy known as Farce which is found in the CSUF productions of The Merry Wives of Windsor and Don’t Dress for Dinner and in the films The Producers and Noises Off viewed in class.  Does one medium (stage) or the other (film) better fulfill the elements of Farce and better illustrate the concepts?    Please explore your ideas in-depth.  You may use outside resources to substantiate your opinions, and resources should be attached as an additional page to your content. 

Remember this is an academic paper, so do not use contractions, or language that is sophomoric.  I encourage using resources available on campus for help in writing in English.

Take home final exam papers are due in my office, CPAC 230, by 6 p.m. on May 26th.  

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Plays are artistic and bring out the brilliance of both the playwright. The element of bringing to the stage an idea that has been expressed in the mind and in writing is exquisite. It speaks to the elemental ability to visualize and bring to light ideas of the mind and appeal to the audience. It is crucial that there is a strong bond between what is written in the scripts and what comes to the stage as a play. The directors have to make sure that they capture the essence of the playwright at all times, while making sure that the audience are taken in by the expressions of these ideas. Adopting a play into film changes the platform altogether and increases the complexity of the elemental ideas that the play brings out. The commercial and artistic elements of the two factions have to be brought to a merging point. This paper addresses some of the most fundamental films in comedy adopted from their plays and how they bring out the concept of farce. The films in review include; The Merry Wives of Windsor, Don’t Dress For Dinner, The Producers and Noises Off. Farce relates to the comical elements that are intended to make the audience laugh and it often applies the use of nonverbal and physical humor, with application of aspects such as slapstick and horseplay. This means that the plot of the play is more important than dialogue with the intellectual wit that is discernible from the plays.
In the film The Merry Wives of Windsor, it is one of the main plays that was written by Shakespeare and was first published in the year 1602. This is a piece that largely borders on comedy than it does on farce. It is evidence that, the piece is rich with elements of clever dialogue that could also be considered as witty, light humor, elements of disguise and drama that can be considered as hilarious. However, there are other plays that were done by Shakespeare that could be considered to be more focused on farce that this one. Plays such as the Midsummer Night’s Dream and As you Like It, are more of farce than they are comedy. The Merry Wives of Windsor, is more ordered and tends to amuse the audience from an enl...
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