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Visual & Performing Arts
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Symbol: symbol/emblem/icon that is used to sell a product

Essay Instructions:

Instructions: 1. Select one symbol/emblem/icon that is used to sell a product or represent a brand or corporation. (I want you to do emblem of Maserati, but if it's hard for you, you can do anything which is not that famous),(And you should not do symbol of IBM,UPS,abc, Olympic,apple, camp bells soup and Nike) 2. Write a 2-3 page descriptive analysis of the chosen symbol that covers the following topics: -the visual elements(color, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value) utilized in the creation of the image (describe & explain how they function). -the principles of design(Balance, emphasis, movement, proportion, rhythm, unity, and variety) utilized in the creation of the image (describe & explain how they function). - the elements of graphic design (Sign, Symbols,Typography, Layout,Word,Image,Motion,Interactivity,Graphic design and Art) that are utilized in the creation of the image (describe and explain how they function). -analyze and discuss the content and the context of your chosen image. -Do you find this image to be successful? Why or why not? What message is it trying to convey, and how does it do this? You must attach the image and a works cited page to your paper. Thank you. Symbols that you should not do -stop sign -swastika -praying emoji -Apple logo -Nike -Ray Gun Magazine -Obey symbol -Uncle Sam Poster -Obama campaign poster -Champion Graphics -Intel

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A symbol is a visible sign that is either written or printed and has a general significance of representing an invisible thing. As an illustration, the emblem of Maserati is a symbol that represents a manufacturing company for luxury cars in Italy. The company was established in Bologna on December 1914. The tagline of Maserati is “Luxury, sports, and style cast in exclusive cars”, while the mission of the brand is to “Build ultra-luxury performance automobiles with timeless Italian style, accommodating bespoke interiors, and effortless, signature sounding power" (Maserati). The emblem of Maserati is trident and Fiat Chrysler owns the company. The convention significance of the Maserati logo is to represent the company and boost its sales. Currently, Maserati is producing about 75,000 vehicles per year globally.
Maserati brothers were natives of Bologna and are the founders of Maserati. The symbol of Maserati uses the traditional symbol of Bologna that is their traditional hometown as its primary emblem. The Maserati company was later moved to the composition of its symbol consist of the base with a blue background color. The trident of the Maserati symbol represents the power symbol of Neptune over seven seas. However, it is important to note that several versions exist regarding the creator logo. One of the versions of the Maserati creator logo has it that one of the Maserati brothers was not passionate regarding the development and production of the cars because he was a talented artist and reluctant to involve in the automobile industry. The version state...
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