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Oedipus at Colonus by Jean Antoine Theodore Giroust

Essay Instructions:

Attend an art museum


Select one work of art that you can defend as a work of art according to the “Categories of Judgement” by Doris Van de Bogart. (See the enclosed hand-out)  Write a three page essay about your selected art work. Your essay will include how you felt emotionally towards the art work, why you selected the art work, why the work is considered art, information about the artist, how you evaluated the art work critically and characteristics of that time period. Your essay will be three pages in length, double spaced, and in a 12 point font including references with a minimum of two references.



Include the following answers from the questions in your essay.

What is the title of the art work you selected?  _________________________


Who was the artist who created the art work you selected? __________________


What museum did you attend?  ______________________    (Name of the museum)


Why did you select the work of art you selected?


Explain why your selection is a work of art by including the categories of judgement in you               response as part of your essay.  (See the 4 words, “Categories of Judgment” at the end of this assignment and include that information in your response in your essay) 




"What do you think influenced or who affected the artist that you noticed when you observed the form, design, and/or substance of the work?" 


When you examined your “selected art work”, did you recognize characteristics that reflect the period when the artist made it?

If so, describe those characteristics you observed.

If not, describe why that was not the case.



Did you notice any particular characteristics that were common and similar to any other artists whose work was done at that same time period?    If so, what are they? 



If not, why do you think that your artist did not seem to “fit in” or utilize the common characteristics of the period?







Much of your essay will come from your own reactions and ideas about the work you selected. Please describe your work in detail and be thorough. You should use references when writing about the characteristics about the period of time and other artists’ work when selecting material about the period of time.  Be sure to write clearly and neatly.  Please look over your work.

You may use your textbook as a reference, but provide it as a citation notation if you use it.  Provide website addresses and other references in your essay. Use quotations marks if you use quotations. Be detailed in your responses. Be sure to include your citations.




The following Four words are the words you will use in evaluating the art work that you selected for your essay.           

                                       “FOUR CATEGORIES OF JUDGEMENT

                             From Doris Van de Bogart Introduction to the Humanities

To make the topic of evaluation in the humanities a less complicated matter, it can help to consider 4 components which are helpful in the process of deciding the value and quality of a work or performance.  The 4 components are:  SINCERITY, CRAFTSMANSHIP, MAGNITUDE, and UNIVERSALITY.  (From:  Doris Van De Bogart)


First of all, the artist needs to be sincere or honest in his endeavors.  He needs to be true to himself and free from the idea of pleasing others.  An artist needs to be in touch with himself and his world and be able to create what he feels about the world in which he lives.  If he copies or does work that is over-exaggerated just to draw attention, he is insincere.  Ask yourself the question, "Is the artist sincere?"  You may think that it is not possible to do this unless you are able to meet the artist.  Since this is not always possible, look for the qualities of sincerity that are found in the final product.  Is the work overdone or melodramatic? Is he or she portraying something that is just a fad, or does it look too commercial (or just so that it will sell)?

Of course, the test of time is actually the best way to judge master works, but when you are looking at contemporary works, you can use these 4 components, since it is not possible to project the future of the art's acceptance.


The second one is the craftsmanship of the work.  This is also called technique.  Did he or she know the media, the process and the methods of reaching the goal?  Did the artist understand his materials and have the proper skills in order to create the work?  Then you ask, did he go beyond the technique and make something meaningful?  How did the artist express an emotion that seemed to display a feeling?


The third component is the magnitude or the level at which something is created.  Is it for the moment?  Does it represent a trite theme that is not timeless?  What level of meaning does it represent?  Is it something you want to see? Did it leave you with a sense of awe?  What impact did it have on you?


The fourth is universality.  This is the reason that art lives on and outlasts time and place; the feelings that humans have felt from all time periods and still feel them today (love, hate; happiness, fear, etc.).  Universal feelings are usually what “lives on” in the work and why it seems meaningful to people years down the road or much later.  The feelings transcend the work. 



Essay Sample Content Preview:
Oedipus at Colonus by Jean Antoine Theodore Giroust
The art Oedipus at Colonus portrays a royal family of betrayal and love. The art was created by Jean Antoine Theodore Giroust from France and retrieved from Dalas Art Museum. Giroust trained in the studio of Joseph-Marie Vien, a pioneer of neocolonialism. Among other students was Jacques –Louis David. Jean was awarded Prix de Rome in 1778. He learned his art from the native French town of St. Georges and Rome in Italy. Jean is a well-known and award-winning artist. He has directed art academies such French Academy in Rome during the 1770s.Some of his paintings such as The Indignation of David won him awards. The artwork was recently acquired by the Dallas Museum of Art. I selected the art because the art portrays uniqueness in its appearance. Its originality also makes the artwork outstanding from the rest as it shows the early age dress code and the environment. The work depicts thematic, formal and ethical issues of neocolonialism. It shows the confrontation between the blind King Oedipus and his son who sent him into exile to receive blessings (Sparknotes, Sparknotes.com).
This has to do with how sincerely the artist portrays his ideas in his or her works. The artist needs to understand them to create what he feels about the world in which he lives. This might include the environment in which the artist lives or the environment that influences his or actions. For a work to qualify as sincere, it should not be over-exaggerated to draw attention or for commercial purposes. It should portray the period and the actions that influenced the artist to craft the work or idea.
Oedipus at Colonus has the attributes of sincerity because it shows the period and actions that led to its drawing. The Kings family is drawn in clothes that portray the fashion of the 1770s.This, therefore, shows that the art depicts actions that were performed or events that occurred in the period of around 1770s when people used to wear such clothes. It gives the story behind the art, the setting of that period (Sparknotes, Sparknotes.com).
Secondly, it also shows sincerity attributes in the sense that the setting portrayed is in the ages of neocolonialism. Giroust did the art during neocolonialism, and therefore this shows the sincerity of the art. The books and scrolls show that the drawing was in early ages before the invention of the modern books. These events sincerely show the ideas Giroust had wh...
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