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The Knockout of Sexual Politics

Essay Instructions:

This is 2 separate parts please indicate letter A/ B in front of each essay/ paragraph .

Don't quote, revise in own words.

Attach link is Textbook, too heavy to attach document.


PART A. During the first week of class, the question was asked 'what is the purpose or function of art?'

Now, answer the question: Who decides what art is? Please be thoughtful with you responses and do not just answer 'anyone or everyone.'

Respond in 150 words. 

PART B. Please answer ALL the questions are listed below for full credit :)


chapter # 10

the artist you have chosen: June Wayne

the art work (give the title): Knockout 

the page number from Sayre’s A World of Art, 7th edition chapter 9-16: 221

What is the social issue you attribute to this artist? (see below for ideas but this social issue must be associated with the artist/crafts person). Of course, you may have a social issue that is not stated below, give me your idea: sexual politics 

the year the artwork was created. It must be after 1960 AD or CE: 1996 

what is the medium used? Lithograph, paper: bleed 

Step 1): (DONE - ABOVE) Pick an artist’s work dated 1960 or after 1960 CE, who has influenced social issues from your 7th edition World of Art, chapter 9-16. Writing Assignment 2 and Participation Assignment 5 forum are connected. PA5 states your approved artist. Check again to see if your chosen artist has been approved and any comments left for you. 

Do NOT change your artist choice after approval.

Step 2) This is plenty of information for you to explore and write about. You will need to cite your sources. 

This is a must: One source must be your textbook regarding the artist medium/media is your textbook, A World of Art, 7th edition, by Henry Sayre. This is why you chose art work 1960 or after from the media section of your textbook.

Second, source would deal with the social issues dealing with the artwork. 

You must have at least two sources: one, A World of Art, 7th edition, by Henry Sayre. You may have as many sources as you like. 

Your sources should be cited in MLA format. Please see link to HCC library site: http://bcs(dot)bedfordstmartins(dot)com/resdoc5e/RES5e_ch04_o.html documenting sources.

A zero (0) will be given on the entire assignment if the corrected, final assignment is plagiarized. I want to read your words not someone else’s. 

Please write a thesis statement supported with your introduction, body and conclusion. No word count is involved with this assignment but I expect you to answer all the following questions fully.

a) What social issues was the artist addressing? Discuss the conditions, time, etc. Conditions, time, etc. deal with the social issues happening at the time. For instance, riots, climate change, new technologies. Also state dates when these events occurred.

b) How did the artist work respond to the social issue? Did the artist read about the event, did it affect them personally, how?

c) State the artist and the title of the work from your textbook. Do not submit an image of the artwork. I can look at the image in the textbook.

d) What affect did the artwork have on the issue? If known. Did the artwork have a dramatic on social perception? Did attitudes change much later or were attitude shifts quick.

e) Please discuss the medium and techniques used to create the artwork. You should consult your textbook for this information. 

f) Describe the techniques and equipment/ tools in using this medium. 

g)Know and use the vocabulary associated with the medium, techniques. Explain the various vocabulary words associated with your topic. 

h) All media have advantages and disadvantages in using the material i.e. price of material or construction, longevity, etc. What are the pros (advantages) and cons (disadvantages) to using that particular medium or techniques? 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Thuy Dinh
Prof. Mary Horst
Art 1301 #46965
The Knockout of Sexual Politics
June Wayne created Knockout as a means of addressing sexual politics in society. Based on the events surrounding the release of the artwork and the expertise and message conveyed by the lithograph, June Wayne achieves her end.
In 1996, the world was experiencing innumerable advancements in the field of technology. While some of these advancements were limited to manufacturing and communication, the field of science was also experiencing much advancement. Some of the advances were easily accepted while others were a source of endless controversy (Honour and Fleming 88). June Wayne was a lover of Science and she was intrigued by the ongoing discoveries in fields such as Geography and Sciences such as Biology and Chemistry (Sayre 323). This intrigue made her pay a lot of attention on her topics of interest. Her interest in Science and politics causes her to delve into the ignored topic of sexual politics. Consequently she employs the use of art to hint at the growing sexual politics in society (Sayre, 350). Scientific studies had delved into the alienation of genes in DNA, and this inspires Wayne to create Knockout that features mice that have had their guilt gene removed and hence are violent. The removal of the guilt gene in the mice was a mirroring of the society’s condition at the moment. At the time this piece was created in 1996, the society still ignored the sexual aspect of politics, and this was larger due to the sexist nature of the society. Wayne acknowledged the immense power that patriarchy held over sex, seeing as it subconsciously dictated what was right or wrong according to sex. Patriarchy was also inextricably linked with politics. Consequently, it was clear that sex, patriarchy and politics are linked, and it is this sexual politics that June wanted to highlight using Knockout.
The mice in Knockout represent the political aspect of the artwork. In daily living mice are small creatures that can cause disturbance, but which can be easily controlled. The politics of the day viewed individuals no differently. To the political classes, the public were similar to mice. They bore the potential to cause great uproar and disturbance, but they had to be controlled. The choice of mice by June also symbolically highlights the condescending nature of the political class towards the bourgeoisie. The removal of the guilt gene from the mice symbolizes the violence that the society is experiencing, and the effect of this violence on the perception of gender. The vio...
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