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DES: Wabi-Sabi

Essay Instructions:


DES 40c > Design Aesthetics / Experience > Spring 2015 > Wabi-Sabi Visual/Verbal Project



1. Read the reading that I provided to you (Leonard Koren’s book Wabi-Sabi for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers) .


2. Find an object that embodies the Wabi-Sabi aesthetic as Koren defines it in his book. You need to see this object in person. Your project focuses on this object as an example of Wabi-Sabi. It may be any object except a leaf from a tree or other plant. In the essay, include the picture of the object that you would like to write.


3. Represent the object visually or poetically. Use any medium you wish, provided you can turn in your representation(s).


4. Represent the object verbally – using description, analysis, and reflection – in a clearly written, well edited typed essay.  

  • Description should explain the sensory experiences ( touch, taste, smell, sound, sight)of encountering the object (what does it look like? Feel like? Smell like?).


  • Analysis should demonstrate why, and how, this object is an example of the Wabi-Sabi aesthetic. Your response should demonstrate that you have read Koren’s book(s); you SHOULD use quotes provided you indicate the precise page number from which the idea or quote has been taken.


  • Reflection should reflect on the reasons you chose the medium or media you used to represent the object. Why this medium, and not another? What sensory qualities of the object, and its wabi-sabi nature, does this medium represent well?


Essay Sample Content Preview:
DES: wabi-sabi
The wabi-sabi aesthetic value is to focus on what may seem as an imperfection by highlighting on the unconventional. Despite wabi-sabi being associated with Japanese culture, there are elements integrated into everyday design of objects. The wood casting furniture integrates planar perfectionism and imperfection to create an unconventional creation that focuses on simplicity and beauty. Since wabi-sabi is common in objects of nature, the quality is often associated with contentment given that it is authentic compared to the technology slick objects which tend to be copied.
 INCLUDEPICTURE "/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/18/05.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET 
The molten aluminum cast into the woods is a novel idea that appears to show the geometrical shapes with many squares and rectangles, but there is no single version of the product that is common to all. Since the wood casting is on the middle areas of the objetc, the lower parts represent the glossy shiny parts. As such, the color combination of the two gives seems as though it was simply an object painted differently as the two colors blend together. The aluminum and wood combine together to represent both the industrial and natural elements, making this a unique piece of art.
Despite having aluminum cast onto the wood, the furniture piece is surprisingly not rough as it first seems. The woody party is the one that is rough on the edges, with the supporting system smooth owing to the exclusive use of aluminum on this part. The plane surface on all edges is elaborate highlighting the designer’s resolve, and with no decoration, one feels that the object is indeed one as a whole rather than two joined pieces. The coarse texture in the woody parts is mostly where there are grains, but mostly it is smooth.
To highlight that the object is part of wabi-sabi is the focus on soliciting expansion to sensory information. The merger of a natural and industrial component gives the work an outlook that appeals to the visual as well as touch. The artist has managed to integrate the two material elements with the need to depict the ideal aesthetics together with the sensory elements. The shape is regular, but there is an element of being unpredictability associated with expansion of the sensory informati...
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