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2 pages/≈550 words
Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Scene Analysis Movie The Hole 1998 Dir. Ts Ai Ming Liang

Essay Instructions:

You are required to write a short paper of two pages in length. For the paper, you should choose [one scene] (very important! Just one scene to be analyzed!) from the assigned film and do a detailed analysis of it in which you demonstrate the importance of the scene to the film. In preparing your paper, you should NOT consult secondary sources. The point of these assignments is for you to actively engage with the film at a micro level. It should NOT be a summary of the plot, nor simply your emotional reaction to the film or the scene. I want you to think about subtle levels of meaning and take into consideration issues of film technique, narrative style, and cultural codes. Use present tense to describe events and characters in the film.

The movie to choose a scene to analyze is: The Hole (1998; dir. Ts’ai Ming-liang)

The link of the movie: https://osu(dot)box(dot)com/s/w49rh7ubg6bisjula9khhx3f1tzsqdmo (Links to an external site.)

A website you can consult about the film language and and please use the materials and information from this website to the paper: https://filmanalysis(dot)coursepress(dot)yale(dot)edu/

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Hole Scene Analysis
The movie ‘’The Hole (1998; dir. Ts’ai Ming-Liang)’’ describes a mysterious and bizarre story behind the situation in Taiwan around the year 2000. Actually, the author describes the absence of speech, infrastructure, movement, and home as depicted in the life in the city during the time. Therefore, in this paper, I will describe a scene which shows the absence of the factors stated in the film and how the author uses the cultural code, film techniques, and narrative style to achieve the objective.
The scene which I focus on comes at the end of the movie where the man lifts the woman into lightness from the dark room where she stayed. Apparently, the scene depicts a glimmer of hope to the woman where she is taken away from the dark, nihilistic, and wet room where she stayed. Actually, the scene relates to a new life in the city where the sufferings that were seen among those who live in it changes. Generally, the author uses imagery to show the beginning of civilization in the city ("Box. Osu.app.box.com.’’ N.p.). Specifically, the city is highly populated and most people do not have shelters. Moreover, the city is dirty with no trash pickup services available which lead to the spread of cockroaches’ disease known as ‘’Taiwan Fever.’’ The same suffering is seen in the woman who lives in a filthy room where she hardly interacts with people. Hence, the removal of the woman from the room is a symbol of new hope in the town and the town and the e...
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