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Identity And Description Of This Nanabozho Sisters Exhibition

Essay Instructions:

Focus on the key term “identity” to write this essay and find scholarly resource. Also focus on analyzing but description of this exhibition.

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Name Instructor Course Date Identity and description of this Nanabozho Sisters exhibition In Nanabozho Sisters at the Doris McCarthy Gallery, Nanabozho the spirit can transform into various animal and human forms or any gender (University of Toronto Scarborough). Identity is a set of characteristics of a person or a group and can distinguish them from others, and it also reflects the conception that a person or a collective have about themselves in relation to others. The Nanabozho Sisters exhibition highlights the experiences of indigenous women and their cultural identity. The role of female artists and representation of indigenous experiences has not received much attention and artists address these two issues as part of the identity in the artworks. The exhibition looks into how representation and self-representation of indigenous women is critiqued and challenged to highlight the identities of these women. The exhibition fuses, art, history and culture through the works of the artists by integrating traditional storytelling in the art, Rebecca Belmore a member of the Lac Seul First Nation (Anishinaabe) has exhibited works that look into the politics affecting the land and social realities of the indigenous people. There have been with art installations and exhibitions about the First Nations without consulting the native community, but the artists challenge this by seeking to explore various themes and represent their identity based on their experiences. Belmore has resisted attempts to present her works that focus on expectations about Native art or identities, where this is used as profitable merchandise by non-Natives without acknowledging the experience and place of aboriginals (Beard 493). Stereotyping of the Native people and especially women has resulted in the exoticization and romanticization of their bodies and included imitations that ignore many aspects of their cultural identities. In the exhibition Ursula Johnson’s “Between My Body and Their Words” highlight...
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