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Visual & Performing Arts
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The Genius of Beethoven Documentary

Essay Instructions:

Part 9 discussion is to get you to think about Beethoven, known as the greatest composer of all time.

After watching the three-part documentary (Module 9.3) answer to the following questions:

What is your favorite Beethoven's composition in the documentary? Why?

What is the most inspiring thing from Beethoven's life for you?

What is Beethoven known for?

Why is Beethoven a hero?

Who was Beethoven's "immortal beloved?"

By the due date, please complete the discussion forum assignment by replying to at least one of your peer's posts. If you feel a classmate has done an exceptional job with their review comments (or, on the other hand, if a student needs a little help), please let them know.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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The Genius of Beethoven
Beethoven was a strong, determined man who left a legend after his unique music's persistence and composure. The Moonlight Sonata is my favorite among Beethoven's composition in the rebel part of the three-part documentary. That is because even though he suffered under his abusive alcoholic father, he did not give up but went on creating time to practice the combination of harmonies he loved. He began to compose even at his young age. This paper summarizes the musical life of Beethoven, as watched in the three-part documentary. The moonlight sonata composition is full of emotions due to its creation upon imagination. According to Tibbetts (200), the first movement was likened to a boat floating in moonlight, thus the piece's name. Beethoven had begun going deaf but did not let that put him down. He instead put more effort and ended up composing the othe...
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