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Analysis of The Ancient Agora Athens

Essay Instructions:

VISC 1001 Fall 2020 Midterm Benchmark Assignment Purpose: This ‘benchmark’ assignment requires you to make connections between course concepts and readings, lectures, discussions and activities. You will reflect on material covered in the first half of the term in your response. Your answers should include visual analysis, appropriate terminology, and historical/cultural context. Timeline: You will have one (1) week to complete the benchmark take-home assignment. Due date: November 2, 8:30am. Grade weighting: 15% of final grade. Submission requirements: Turn in your paper as a Word document or PDF file on Canvas (12 pt font, Times New Roman or Arial, double-spaced). Length requirements can be found with the instructions for each part below. 3 Instructions: Part 1. Analyze and Contextualize the Work (5 points): Choose one (1) of the following three works: Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 See page 5 for larger image. See page 6 for larger image. See page 7 for larger image. Suggest an identification for your selected work (date, location where made, culture, subject matter, etc.). Write an explanation for this identification. This should include the following: • Contexts: Drawing upon the readings, lectures and course modules, what might be the object’s/monument’s relationship to its historical or artistic context? • Visual Qualities: How does composition/form, material/technique, and/or iconography help to illustrate the historical or artistic context of the object/monument? • Terms and Names: What terms or key figures do you think are relevant to this work? Provide a definition or explanation. Length: Write a minimum of 250 words and up to 500 words maximum. Answer in complete sentences and paragraphs. (12 pt font, Times New Roman or Arial, double-spaced). 4 Your answer will be graded in terms of how well you argue for the identification, rather than whether or not you figure out the correct identification! Remember, you can refer to other works of art in your answer (i.e. those that we have seen in lecture or in the textbook), but also be sure to explain how the works compare. Your answer should be analytical rather than purely descriptive. Stronger answers will draw upon major stylistic, innovative, thematic changes and the appropriate terminology. 5 Part 1. Image 1 6

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
Part I and Part 2
Part 1:
The picture selected depicts The Ancient Agora Athens, which is known as the heart of ancient Athens. This is where individuals from all walks of life, including philosophers, politicians, and prostitutes, met. It is believed to have been founded in the 6th century BC during the classical period. This can be easily confirmed by the structural appearance and architectural design, which quickly resembles ancient greek art. The Agora was a place where people could meet, a synonym of the modern-day market place. Evidently, many activities were undertaken in this place, since people of diverse walks of life met here. It was a place where individuals congregated to deliberate on important issues that affected their lives as Athens' citizens. As historians record, Sophocles, Socrates, and other great thinkers congregated at this place. Also, ordinary people from the Grek society met at this place to discuss social, political, and economic issues that affected their lives and proposed effective solutions. The architectural technique utilized in this structure reveals the genius of ancient greek artists and engineers. It also showcases the open space within the structure, where people would sit or be able to assemble and contribute to the different subjects discussed. The strong pillar and roofing style also reveal greek styling, which was dominant during the classical period. This was a hub of philosophical engagement, and much of the thoughts and influences we gained from the ancient artists were first developed at this place. Philosophers such as Socrates and Sophocles would meet at this place, which affirms its importance in the history of the world and greek society. It is known as the summit of Athens politics. People were free to come to this arena and express their political development views and what they could do to live better or address certain challenges. Therefore, we can conclude that this was an important and significant place for the life of Athenians, philosophers, and politicians.
Part II: Compare and Contrast
For this comparison, ...
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