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Visual & Performing Arts
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Formal Analysis Paper (Visual & Performing Arts Essay)

Essay Instructions:

There is a very important sentence in the homework requirements, you should choose anything in Antiquity through Nineteenth Century periods. The work should be an example of “Western Art,” according to syllabus, and then be sure to go to this website to find http://allenartcollection(dot)oberlin .edu/emuseum/, remember to find Western Art, which meets the teacher's regulations. Then this is a very professional and formal artistic analysis, you must write a professional formal formal! ! ! !

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Formal Analysis Paper
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Formal Analysis Paper
A Paul Gavarni piece titled "Un Enfant terrible" (An unruly child) Paintings represents a picture of an infant child. This piece was made in 1857 and was gifted to Eugene L. Garbaty. The artwork's present location is the Allen Memorial Art Museum in Ohio, United States of America, and it can be seen from all angles (Albers & May 2015). A common aspect of the disobedient child is uncontrollable and challenging.
The work is a beautiful image. However, Gavarni used indirect lines to show the viewer's eyes around the artwork and solid curved lines on the mirror frame. These indirect lines are strings of the child's hair, which has covered so much space in the picture's upper part. The background is a bright white color, and in details, the child's hair and the shirt have shades of grey, while the pants have shades of black. This reduces the intensity of the colors to dull. The light color of the vacant area is invisibly light. Hence it does not have much effect as the darker color of the child's hair and pants. With the child's stare to the right, the visual optics appear powerful enough to balance the mass of hair and part of the mirror on the right side.
Figure 1.0: Un Enfant terrible
This artwork comprises shapes formed by lines and movement in colors in a two-dimensional format. This makes a blend for all the aspects of art that improved visual admiration. For instance, the child's hair and blouse are created by a shift from grey and black pants. Lines forming the child's pants give form to the shape of his body. Both shifts in color and lines are used concur...
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