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Mann and Crewdson's Contemporaries in Photography

Essay Instructions:

Part 1 – One-page reaction / response per artist (2 pages total).

How do you respond / react to the work and pedagogy of each artist?

Describe and explain likes, dislikes, agree, disagree, admire, despise, etc.?


Part 2 - Compare / Contrast (2 - 3 pages total).

Consider the overarching theme of each artists work?

Think about what you see on the surface and what lingers below that surface, for you? How is it similar, how is it different, what is it familiar?

What genre of fine art photography do the works of both artists fall into? If you are unfamiliar with genres of photograph, make sure you look them up.

Think and talk about why each of these artists is compelled make photographs?

What do the photographs and the process of making them represent in their lives and how does it shape their personal existence?

How do you respond to the process of each artist? Where are they similar, where do they differ?

How do you respond to the content of the images? What are parallels and where is the divergence?

How do both artists intend their end product to been seen? Is this the best way for the work to be seen? 


Part 3 - Find contemporaries of each artist? (2-3 pages total).

Identify one contemporary of Ms. Mann and one for Mr. Crewdson who work within with the medium of photography.

Please make sure you understand what a contemporary is before you do research.


Explain how and why are the artists that you have identified are contemporary to Ms. Mann and Mr. Crewdson? Please be specific

How does the work of the contemporaries that you have identified compare to the work of Mann & Crewdson? Please be specific

How does the work differ, in content, concept and execution?  Which work is stronger, that of Ms. Mann or Mr. Crewdson? Please be specific.


Be honest with your feelings and opinions when writing about the work of these photographers.

Don’t feel that you need to hold back if you truly like or dislike something. Be bold in your writing.

Please cite any sources that you use outside of the notes you made while watching the documentaries.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
How do you respond react to the work and pedagogy of each artist?
The work of the two artists in “what remains” and “The brief encounter” is great in shaping the minds and imagination of the audience around particular themes. “What remains” documentary is a documentary with significant social context which reflects on the degraded morals and values within the society. “The brief encounter documentary”, on the other hand, depicts various themes in the society including nudity, violence, and aggression. The topic of the documentary deciphers the fact that there is no remaining morality or ethics in the society. The documentaries depict significant aspects of human life vis-à-vis the connection of the latter to the supernatural and extra natural world (Crewdson). The documentaries examine human weaknesses, the contradictions of age and the increased awareness of technology and limits of our personality. The documentary served as the bridge between the concepts of Mann and Crewdson to that of Crewdson that the women were not just victims, but rather, a double symbiotic for the monster. Unlike the modern era's psychologically disturbed and demonized counterparts, the monsters were relatively sympathetic in classic horror films.
The only way the documentary was able to demonstrate skilful photography was by assuming the male characteristics. Crewdson, however, cautioned the viewers not to look at the final girls as the results of feminism. The last girls are to be perceived as ordinary females killed for assuming their female roles after taking part in societal sexual activities that make them part of the chase. The final girl is one of the most familiar tropes in horror movies. According to Mann, the last girl was a virgin woman who embodied what an ideal woman ought to be like. The woman neither drinks, smokes, nor engages in other illicit behaviour that other women in the film engage in.
Describe and explain likes, dislikes, agree, disagree, admire, despise
One of the things that I like about the two-piece is the quality of their photography which appears to blend between simple themes and complex sceneries and artistic works. One of the significant things I like in documentaries is how the stories are build up other stories to create a logical flow. The final girl's role in the documentary allowed for the gender norms to transform and confused the viewers by representing the female gender as a violent hero (Jones). The final character becomes the first to detect that something was amiss and deduced the accumulating proof that there was a pattern to the extent of posed threat.
I dislike documentaries because they follow the same pattern exhibited by most documentaries, leaving little room for creativity. The movies industry (an industry that has been in existence in close to a century) brings viewers across the globe onboard. However, the level of enjoyment across the different castes differ because personality traits are believed to predict the physiological reactions of individuals to horror movies (Jones). The movies from Oscar, for instance, had audiences from all across the globe, particularly The Exorcist and Interview with the Vampire. Some fictional TV programs that were arguable of sound quality were series like The Sopranos and the Twin Peaks. Thompson Kristin suggested that some TV series depicted the qualities present in art films, such as ambiguous plotlines, native complexity, and psychological realism.
Part 2 - Compare / Contrast.
The overarching theme of each artist work
The theme of the first documentary is fear. The documentary (most of which gravitate around superhumans) commonly deciphers through the audiences' fears, nightmares, and aversions of the unknown. The plots and themes of horror films generally involve an evil event, personage, or forced into the natural world. In most instances, tropes from literature science may be adopted by filmmakers indifferent to the scientific plot logic and plausibility to which written fiction science would traditionally hold.
Thoughts about what is seen on the surface. Similarity, difference and familiarity
What is seen on the surface is artistic work and photography indicating behavioural harmony. The thoughts of viewing the films could precipitate insomnia and significant behaviour changes. The entire course of the horror film deciphers through the central characters in the series and how they relate to their environment vis-à-vis the grief they have experienced as a result of death. The documentaries depicted a conventional family drama on one end, dealing with the concepts relating to infidelity, religion and interpersonal relationships. In the same breath, the show focused on death and its personal, philosophical and religious perspectives. Each episode began with an incidence of death from various factors, setting the tone for the rest of the attacks, which is a familiar feature of both documentaries.
The genre of fine art photography that the works of both artists fall into
The documentaries fall under the categories of thriller and science fiction genres. The documentaries are generally fiction movies that play at the gallery of supernatural life and intense forms of violence. The often disturbing images, coupled with distorted images, are among the most common forms of fright stimulus found in horror movies. The science fiction film genre uses fictional, speculative, science-based depictions of ideologies that do not fully resonate with mainstream science.
Why each of these artists is compelled to make photographs
Each artist was compelled to make the photographs because they ref...
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