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People in South Africa and their Various Suffering Showed in I'm a Prisoner by Lucky Dube

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You are tasked with composing a 2000 word paper that offers a musicological reading of a song, recorded performance, or music video. A music analysis necessitates a close look at a piece’s constituent parts and argues for how they create a cohesive artistic gesture. Additionally, this analysis should connect your selected piece to its sociomusical impact (i.e. what does this music accomplish and for whom?). Students are encouraged, but not required, to connect their musical analysis to discussions of identity at the intersection of race/ethnicity and gender/sexuality. Your paper should take on music critically (i.e. using theory, music/sound/aesthetic analysis, sociohistorical context, and/or a discussion of performance/composition methodologies) in supporting your thesis. Ultimately, in this paper, you will select a song (and possibly its music video), describe it, and make a case for what it accomplishes and how.

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I'm a prisoner by Lucky Dube.
This paper is about the musicological reading of a song. Music involves the vocal or instrumental sounds combined in such a way to produce harmony and beauty of form. Music also involves video, which features performances often through a stylized dramatization by the performers. Different songs have different videos which create specific imagery and theme of the song. The music video always boosts the artist's visibility and exposure exponentially. The videos always enhance the marketing and the sale of the artists' work (Gunner, 387). The music video's storyline enables the audience to listen and draw their attention and persuades them to buy the work of an artist. Music videos also act as the focal point of what the artist tries to express through their music. In most cases, the listeners always feel a bond and get connected to the song to express their emotions through what they see in the music video. When we watch the music video, it shows we are watching the song's visual representation, and we can see what the music is talking about.
Here I will focus on the music video of one musician from the African native land in South Africa named Lucky Dube. I will focus on the music video on one of his songs, "I'm a Prisoner." Luck Dube used to focus on the famous music genre called reggae. Reggae music had been adopted long ago in the Caribbean during the early 1950s. Lucky Dube, in his music video, "I'm a prisoner," tries to narrate his experience as a young boy who was told not to involve himself in any crime. From this music track video, we can see the events that he talks about in the song. The song brings about emotions through Dube's sad story (Purdon & Joe, 96).In the music video, Dube has created a fiction scene about his life by withdrawing from school, becoming an adult, and later getting into crime. This is evident at the beginning of the video, where he is in class, and the teacher approaches him. His father had informed Dube that education was the only key to success and crime would not pay anything. From the scenes in the video, we can see Dube leaving the classroom, throwing his books down, and later walking out of the class. The music video also shows where he throws a stone and hits one of the glass window panes. This was a sign of his rudeness as he thought anything he was doing was correct.
The music video also shows the occurrences when Dube engaged in crime. We can see him and a group of other young men engaging in crime where they rob one man. These can be described as robbery with violence. From the video, we can bond with Dube's song when he says that crime does not pay. These because after all the acts of the crime, he ends up suffering (Chance, 41). These kinds of acts end up costing him, and he ends up in prison. From the music video, we can see a lot of suffering that Dube went through due to his act. Some of the suffering range from being tortured by the police inside the cell. In the music video, we can tell that there are a lot of regrets because he remembers the moments when even in cells, the police tell him that the authorities are not willing to build schools anymore but are willing to build prisons.
This music period was produced when the white dominance and the apartheid rule in South Africa had increased. In this period, the white men were mistreating the black Africans. It reflected on the suffering they were going through during the apartheid, which is why he was a prisoner. During the period, South Africans were being mistreated and taken advantage of. The song also was a message for the future generation to tell them the importance of education. We have experienced that from the scenes that have occurred in the music song. If Dube had listened to what his father had told him about education, he would not have experienced such suffering. The future generations are warned of not engaging in crime as it comes with lots of consequences. It has been said that only education can salvage them from the evils that are in society. The song was also a powerful lesson to the children as they grew up and how they would end up dead when they make wrong choices in life. They are also able to recognize their rights with education. One can understand what is required of him not to be found on the wrong side of the law.
The music also warns the young generation by telling them that there is no life after imprisonment. This is because, in prison, one is to face the true colors of the law. Even though imprisonment acts as a corrective mechanism to the young generation, it also hinders one from being productive. Imprisonment also hinders one from achieving some of the set dreams in one's life. Dube clearly explained this through the above song.
The song was also taken to be a freedom song to the political pr...
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