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Johann Quantz's Tastes on Performance (On Playing the Flute)

Essay Instructions:

Having read nearly all of what Johann Quantz wrote about performing music, and having absorbed many details about his life and his position at the court of Frederick the Great, take a broad view of Quantz as an arbiter of taste. Distill your thoughts into a general characterization about what you find most essential to his approach. (A strong essay will begin with an engaging thesis statement about Quantz’s tastes.)

Support your views by citing specific points Quantz makes on at least three different aspects of performance. The points you cite can be paraphrased or directly quoted from Quantz, but try to avoid quotes more than a line or two in length.These points should be things that were interesting to you in one way or another. Your citations can be paraphrases or carefully selected brief quotes. You may refer to the original German or French editions, or to Reilly’s English translation. Please use footnotes to cite page numbers (or chapter and section (§) numbers), to clearly identify the passages you choose as examples.

While not required or expected, you may also draw on other sources, including but not limited to, Edward Reilly’s Introduction to the English translation of Quantz or the New Grove (= Grove Music Online) article on Quantz, but your argument cannot be solely, or primarily, supported by an outside source without clearly going back to Quantz’s own words. Quantz and any other sources used will need full bibliographic citations. You may choose your own method of citation, but you must clearly incorporate all the pertinent information, including author’s name, title (both in its original form and the title as translated), the name of the translator, the date and place of original publication, and the date, place, and publisher of the actual copy you consulted. Here is an example of one way to incorporate all of this:

Johann Joachim Quantz: Versuch einer Anweisung die Flöte traversiere zu spielen (Berlin, 1752) tr. by Edward R. Reilly as On Playing the Flute (Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1966)

Recommended fonts are Palatino, Garamond, or Times New Roman (11 or 12 point), double spaced, with 10 point single-spaced footnotes. The minimum length is 600 words, not counting title or bibliographic citations. I believe it is easier to do justice to the topic by writing somewhat more. You should submit your paper in MS Word format. Include your last name in the file name.

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Quantz's Tastes on Performance (on Playing the Flute)
Johann Joachim Quantz was a flutist, a flute teacher, a composer, a flute manufacturer, and a music writer. He authored a project on the art of playing the flute, which was beneficial not only to woodwind players but also to all musicians. He learned his style from other musicians and was observant of the beauties and flaws of other people's compositions and performances (Bonnema, 2016). Quantz had a good experience at Dresden, in the most prosperous period, with the greatest performers traveling across Europe for advancement. He had a keen understanding and an overwhelming hunger for knowledge. This enabled him to perfect his art with a unique taste, technique, and style. This paper looks into Quantz's insights on the performance issues present in musical art during his time. His ideas are the same issues that modern musician faces. Such aspects involve playing the right tune, performing expressively, and phrasing eloquently with a unique taste.
Quantz created many concertos, trio sonatas, solos, duets, trios, and a few vocal compositions. His artistic output reflects the change from the end of the Baroque Renaissance to early Classicism (Bonnema, 2016). While Quantz continued to structure the formal sequence of his older orchestral works in a manner that was more akin to that of his instructor, Vivaldi, he incorporated his style and taste (Burney, 588). He chose a light tempo for concluding movements but a common time for introductory movements. He frequently produced modal or tonal contrast with his slow passages. Reading his work demonstrates the persistence in strong expressive intents in musical performances.
One of Quantz's primary goals was to improve the quality of flutes available at that time and to polish flute playing techniques and performance. In his thorough yet distinctive representation of the complete musical practice of his era, he aimed to transcend all current instrumental or vocal techniques. He wrote the "Essay of a Method of Playing the Flute Traversiere," which Edward R. Reilly translated into English and published as "On Playing the Flute" (Bonnema, 2016). One of the primary resources for research on performance practices in the eighteenth century has been widely recognized as originating from this piece. With the breadth of his guidebook, Quantz intended for an artist well-versed in all areas of music education. "Since I am endeavoring to train a skilled and intelligent musician and not just a mechanical flute player, I must try not only to educate his lips, tongue, and fingers, but also to form his taste, and sharpen his discernment" (Reilly, 1997). It is a thorough s...
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