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Formation of Buddha and Bodhisattva Images in Kushan Art

Essay Instructions:

1) There is no need to make a full comparison of two (or more) slides on each screen of the powerpoint. According to the theory of information the number of properties that can be shared by any two objects is infinite. You don't want to drown in a lengthy and pointless comparison exercise. 


2) What you need to do is to find one or a few similarities pertinent to the formation of Buddha image in Kushan art. Imagine that you are a detective entering a room where a crime took place. You see a multitude of objects (furniture, dishes, carpets, pictures, clocks, etc). You disregard the vast majority of them and look only for those that were alien to this room, that were moved recently, or that are in some kind of disorder in general. Your first task would be to identify the intruder and you can do it by figuring out to whom the alien objects could belong to. This is what you have to do in this type of art historical research. You are looking for the things that are not known in earlier Indian art: drapery, a non-local manner in which hair is depicted (locks, curls,e tc) and specific hairstyles that do not have a local precedent, facial features which are not know here before. These new (alien) features are likely to be borrowed from somewhere and what you need to do is to go and to identify the artistic tradition of their origin (in this case this would be Greek and Roman traditions).

3) As the next step, you would need to explain how these things could become known to Indian artists. In this particular case you could recall the Indo-Greek period of history with its still missing archaeological record, but with the abundant numismatic evidence showing the local existence of Greek sculpture and consequently of Greek aesthetic ideals. With the collapse of the Indo-Greek power there was another factor -- massive Silk Road trade with Rome which undoubtedly brought to India a huge numbers of Roman objects of art. A large array of such objects has been discovered during the excavations in Begram, but the existence of many other types of Roman pieces of art (among them sculptures) can be postulated on the basis of Roman features appearing in local Indian sculpture. 

4) Further, it would be good if you could explain why Indian artists were compelled to borrow certain elements of foreign artistic tradition. These could be a result of a void in local artistic system.

5) Finally, you would need to look for the meaningful alterations of images (or their elements) that have been borrowed from Greek and Roman art. In other words, you should point out, you should point out what has been deliberately changed in very Hellenistic looking Buddha and Bodhisattvas in comparison with their Greek and Roman prototypes. To make your work perfect, you would need to explain why these changes were made.

That is all you need to do. Just be a detective! Remember the guy called Sherlock Holmes? All you need is to be as  cool and smart as him.

Good luck,

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Formation of Buddha and Bodhisattva in Kushan Art
There is poor documentation of ancient work of arts especially for pieces that have undergone transformation to be represented again by a new artist who are not the original creators of the piece. On the subject, the Buddha image is a perfect example as it is a valuable item and popular regarded precious. This is in consideration of its religious, spiritual, and societal value it holds not only to the India/Asians only but the whole world. Thus, this piece would attract so much attention to the extent of warranting theft in the art world. Like in other sectors, literature and art have continued to evolve even though it maintains the main themes, there are evolution traits and some modernity characters that are being adopted by an artist who in most cases recreate ancient works. There has never existed a uniform style or format of art and several schools of distinction emerged as time progress. In India, it is no different. The fourth and fifth century saw the world experience a period of phenomenon thinkers such as the Laozi, Confucius, Plato, and Socrates. India was blessed with Buddha who was popularly celebrated that after his death a religion based on him emerged. Religion was not the only thing that emerged from this phenomenon as art also benefited and a new aspect of Buddhist art emerged. The following texts will show the formation, and transformation of Buddha and Bodhisattvas, reveal its importance and value and why it would be stolen.
Development of the Buddha Image
Buddha image has sparked a wide range of debate concerning its development and why it occurred in the first place. Although there are many observations the underlying theory is that it was first developed in the first centuries of C.E during the Kushana period in Indian art. Among the major developers were the ancient region of the Gandhara the present-day Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Again the earliest form of India's Buddhist art dominates the art industry during the first century A.D in India's northwestern frontier. The Gandhara area saw the elements of Hellenistic aspects relate with symbolism required to create a unique style of expressing Buddhism. They were influenced by Hellenistic colonies presence that saw a large scale exchange of goods and a diverse cultural crossroad at the time. The unique style began with Indian artists creating youthful Buddhas resembling Apollo the Roman statues who had wavy curls. Roman influence has also depicted the robe covering the shoulders, the monastic robe is arranged in heavy classical folds. There was the presentation of the Siddhartha in a bejeweled figure before he renounced the palace life. Buddha of the future developed where Maitreya was portrayed as a princely bodhisattva and one dre...
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