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The African American Community Assignment

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The African American community transcends over long periods of wanton disregard for their rights, freedoms, and liberties to enjoy almost the same privileges as their White counterparts in the United States. However, the dream of complete autonomy from the shackles of neo-colonialism remains to be realized as the members of the community continue to suffer injustices at the hands of the majority group who continue to hold the reins of power. The advanced technology in the production of visual arts takes center stage in the African American quest for equality and justice through the renowned musical genre of Hip-hop. Hip-hop artist from the African American community is fusing the past, present, and future reflections on their experiences at the hands of the biased social, economic, and political systems of the American society CITATION Bai14 \l 1033 (Bailey). The artist makes use of the advanced technology to highlight their metaphoric impressions of the past atrocities, perceived to have been solved by the Civil Rights Movement, as well as the persistence of the same in the present society. The prospects of the future including its uncertainties are further included in the depiction of the visual art from the music videos and the covers for the artists’ music albums. The artists are the embodiment of the Afrofuturist movement, which refers to the use of the advanced technology in portraying African Americans quest for liberating the community from the shackles of the past historical injustices, enhancing their present situation and forging a positive past CITATION And14 \l 1033 (Anderson). Afrofuturism proposes the rewriting of both the African Americans and African’s past as a society of immense capabilities with a promising future following its resilience against the past social injustices or challenges CITATION And14 \l 1033 (Anderson).
The African American community, for instance, ranks among one of the communities in the world to embrace both visual and performing arts or elements of Afrofuturism to express its discontent with the racial oppression and discrimination from the White majority group. The record selling movie Black Panther, for instance, is an excellent presentation of Afrofuturism with its attempt to rewrite the African story by merging the past historical account with today’s advanced technology CITATION Bos18 \l 1033 (Coogler). The movie’s plot contradicts the common perception maintained by the White majority group of Africans’ descent being that of uncivilized individuals without the innovative and inventive capability shared by the majority group CITATION Bos18 \l 1033 (Coogler). The use of visual arts by members of the African community is evident during the era of the Civil rights movements as members of the Blank Panther Party used such depictions to share their disquiet with the brutal killing and treatment of young African Americans protesting for equal rights and treatment for all CITATION Emo15 \l 1033 (Code). Emory Douglas, a revolutionary artist for the party who held the ministerial post of culture for the Black Panther Party, shares his sentiments on the importance of visual arts in a short documentary film CITATION Emo15 \l 1033 (Code). The artist reiterates on the significant role played by printed cartoons in the party’s endeavor to educate the masses on the injustices occurring in the society and encouraging them to take part in the protests for change. It is through the party’s initiative to mobilize the community through visual arts to engage in communit...
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