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A History Of Koto: The Music Of Tadao

Essay Instructions:


You will provide a brief summary of the events and a description of the music you heard.

I would prefer you use one of the videos listed here or on the streaming site linked above. If the video is primarily a biographical documentary, summarize the content, and describe the subject’s musical style, with references to specific pieces if at all possible, even if you do not catch the title. If it is a performance then the following comments about attending a performance will apply to a large degree. You may make personal evaluations, but keep it as objective as possible.

In all cases, try to be specific.Name and describe specific pieces if at all possible (two or three should be sufficient per paper). Use a formalwriting style.

Do not pick Fine Rain: politics and folk songs in China, I have picked this one already, any other are good.

Please read the requirements carefully, if you have any question, let me know.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Course: Professor: Date: Koto: The Music of Tadao Koto music originates from the Koto society in Japan. The biographical documentary presents an history of Koto-The Music of Tadao. From the documentary, we are able to learn that Koto is indeed a rhythmical type of music that represents the culture and tradition of the Japanese people. As demonstrated at the fourth minute in the film, Koto music is produced from a Koto instrument consisting of strings pulled systematically and rhythmically to produce the fine music. The video further explains the life of Sawai Tadao. He is remembered for the great legacy and immense contribution to the development of the Koto music far beyond the Japan borders. Before his death, we learn that Sawai Tadao managed to perform various concerts in Japan and in Australia. He was able to transform the Koto Music into a transcultural type of music. By so doing, he facilitated the spread of the music beyond the borders of Japan and enabled incorporation of other effects and culture into the Koto music. His efforts have enabled the other communities from all over the world to know about Koto music and also include their ideas in the music. After the death of Tadao, his wife explains in the interview that she has continued to spread the Koto music all over the world, by attending and performing concerts involving the music. She says, “My feeling was to explore the true potential of Koto Music. So I chose to take it to the world outside the Koto society” (09:24). His husband Tadao, was not only a source of inspiration to her and the rest of the world but also a source of joy her. Mr. Tadao possessed a great mastery on how to play the instrument and was also able to compose over seven hundred songs that were played using the Koto instrument. This greatly motivated her Wife who has continued to teach the music to other people, by instructing her students at the Tokyo School of Music, the school was started by Tadao. It was aimed at educating the students on how to play the Koto music. From the documentary we also learn that Koto music heavily relies on the Koto instrument to produce sounds that are used in passing out a piece of given information to the audience. It is important for the player of the Koto instrument to possess the great ability to play the Koto instrument. He or she is expected to squeeze out the sound from the strings, which is sometimes very hard and tiresome to achieve. The ability of the Koto player to pull the strings correctly and systemically enables him or her to produce the desired type of music. This is because there are varied types of tones that can be produced ...
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