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Examining Digital Media Art Summary

Essay Instructions:

Assignment #3 - Examining Digital Media Art [due April 12]

DUE: Monday, April 12, at 23:59 p.m.

Submission: .pdf or .doc or docx file in eClass

Weight 25%

For this assignment, you are to write a paper about a digital media art work of your choosing.

Choosing a work:

The work you choose must be computationally based and interactive is preferred. If you are accessing with the work through documentation, make sure that the documentation is adequate enough to develop a meaningful description. If not then choose another work.

Components of the paper:

About the work. Include name, creation date, how you reviewed it (e.g. online, through documentation), format/technology

About the artist(s). Include name(s), and brief biography

Description of the work. Provide an extended description of the work.

Interpretation of the work. Provide an interpretation of the work from the perspective of a viewer/participant.

Connection to an article in the New Media Reader. Apply an idea from an article out of the list further below from the New Media Reader to the work you have chosen.

Works cited.

Rules about A3 article choice:

You must choose an article out of the list of 13 articles further below.

You cannot re-use your A1 article in your A3 --you must choose to use a new one!

You cannot re-use an article you wrote a Response for in previous homework response posts!

The only exception is for the homework online response you did that was due on Wednesday March 31. You CAN re-write and expand that entry into 1500 words, IF you wish.

Otherwise, pick an article you haven't already written on out of the list further below.


Legible 12 point font (e.g. Times New Roman or Arial or Calibri or Cambria)

1” inch margins on all sides.

A total of approximately 5-6 pages or a little more. About 1500 words.

Double-spaced text, except for block quotes (longer than four lines) which should be single spaced and indented.

Quotations that are four lines long or fewer go in the body of the paragraph: MLA In-Text Citations: The Basics

Use MLA citation style for all sources:

- http://writing(dot)wisc(dot)edu/Handbook/DocMLA.html -or-

- https://owl(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_formatting_and_style_guide.html

Proofread and spell-check your paper!

Have someone read your paper if you are concerned about sentence structure, or language use!

Write your essay in third person historical present tense. (“The author states...” “The work represents...” "One might think that...") with no use of “we” or “I”.


Here are some starting points for finding a work to write about:




Art and Electronic Media Online Companion

Ars Electronica

Currents New Media Festival

Creator's Project


Artists :

Rafael Lozano-Hemer

Olafur Elaison

Casey Raes

Heather Barnett


Graham Wakefield/Haru Ji

Mark David Hosale

READ AN ARTICLE from the list below :

Charged Environments:

31. Bill Viola. “Will there be Condominiums in Data Space?”

20. Raymond Williams. “The Technology and the Society”

10. Roy Ascott. "The Construction of Change"

25. Myron Kreuger. "Responsive Environments"


05 J.C.R. Licklider. "Man -Computer Symbiosis"

46. Chip Morningstar and F.Randall Farmer. “The Lessons of Lucasfilm’s Habitat”

Kocurek, Carly A. "Identities." from Debugging Game History: A Critical Lexicon.

Jones, Steven E. "Controllers." from Debugging Game History: A Critical Lexicon.

Sherry Turkle. "Video Games and Computer Holding Power"

Digital/Emergent Bodies:

04 Norbert Weiner. "Men, Machines and World About"

27 Giles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. “From a Thousand Plateaus”

35. Donna Haraway. “A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century”

53. Critical Art Ensemble. “Nomadic Power and Cultural Resistance”

BOOKS: New Media Reader https://monoskop(dot)org/images/4/4c/Wardrip-Fruin_Noah_Montfort_Nick_eds_The_New_Media_Reader.pdf

(A1 article :Men, Machines and the World About)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Examining Digital Media Art
Digital media arts provide a platform to study many digital specialisms such as animation, photography, interactive and social media, kinetics, and games.It helps explore and experiment with emerging technologies and promotes effective and inventive combinations of media ad practice. Digital media majors use computerized digital media as the essential medium of expression in performing and visual arts. This essay will focus on visual and performing arts and will explore a computationally based work of art. It will also explore the works review and its meaningful description.
Digital art media can include digital collage, time-based media, and moving images (Becker, 389). Digital collage combines digital photography, scanned artwork, and digital illusions, which are integrated with digital composing and remix techniques to produce quality artwork. Moving images is an animation technique for creating digital flipbooks. Digital media art gives a perspective for theoretical and practical participation with upcoming visual technologies. The use of the computer in digital media art is creative to make digital art resources (Becker, 390). Digital media allows for integrating light, time, sound, space, motion, and color to express feelings, ideas, and perspectives. Digital art that has been created can be stored on a digital device. Therefore it is easy for creators to share their work in the highest form. The work can then be shared digitally through social media and websites. Media art infused with technology can help the artists expand the horizons of their creativity and limit the challenges they may encounter. The creation and production process of artwork is less demanding and gives the artist more time to expand and internalize their creativity. The diversity in digital art can help promote the creative process towards exploring new paths by nurturing the artist's natural abilities and interests. Media art has the ability to inspire, engage and enrich the artists' lives and helps them nurture their intellectual potential. It helps them acquire skills, knowledge, and understanding to interpret the meaning of global and personal views.
Artificial Nature: Fluid Space
Graham Wakefield and Haru (Hyunkyung) Ji are visual artists who created the famous work "Artificial Nature: Fluid Space. The artwork is reviewed online and is an installation research and series project by the artist. The result was exhibited in SIGGRAPH Asia 2009: Adaptation. Its category was 3D & Sculpture. It was created at the University of California. Haru is the 3D sculptor, researcher, and trans-artist who explores life in art by the artificial life-formation in the computational process. Graham Wakefield, a software designer, researcher, and composer, identifies the computational combination of creative work. He majors in Computation works and leads York's University School of Arts, Media, Performance and Design department of Computation. He is dedicated to the advancement of computation art literacy and art practice.
Artificial art adapts to its environment because its computation process comprises organisms integrated into an environment. The microorganisms consume flowing matter and energy to survive and grow (Graham et al., 9). They then produce a continuous sequence of emergent beauty. Spectators in this type of system explore the world endlessly and freely. They influence the world indirectly. Spectators can steer the virtual ecosystem infinitely. It gives a specific detail to the observable world. It is visible where the organisms grow from eggs to fully grown- flower objects. Sensual data taken through a microphone-ear or camera-eye are, on some occasions, perceived by touch. They are the environmental circumstances to which organisms adjust. The artwork invites the audience to create and play as a continuation instead of a termination. The work is an infusion of artistic impressions, thermodynamics, computer science, physical biology, intuition, and personal awakening, in addition to a knowledge of complex systems. It integrates play, art, and research into one aesthetic, creative experience. It also suggests the future art evolution through unconventional expansion. This art piece is an essential representation of contemporary art of an open-ended world (Haru, 45). The artwork Artificial Nature: Fluid Space directs the viewer to substantial aspects of the virtual world.
The concept is being part of a different ecosystem with many links of compound feedback. The artist is inspired by the esthetic combination and open-ended continuation to the unfamiliar childhood scrutiny in nature. The artists' attempts to influence future, linked computational media. ...
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