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The Importance of Being Earnest -- Script Analysis and Design

Essay Instructions:

From the list of plays provided below, chose one for your project, read the script and do the following. Please note that if you chose The Importance of Being Earnest, you only need to do Act 1. You will submit a written report with photos, detailing your design choices.

Given circumstances: Explain each briefly with as much info as you have in at least one complete sentence. If these are not specified in your play, it is up to you to decide, as long as your choices can be justified by the script.

Geographic location

Date (year, month/season, time of day):

Economic environment:

Political environment:

Example: The play is set in 2002 in Montreal (p 18). I chose 2002 because the characters referred to receiving a fax, and none of them has cell phones, although François has a laptop. The play takes place between January and November. Scene 1 is obviously winter as Léa arrives in a big, puffy winter coat (p 2), Sophie & François have a picnic in Scene 8 (p 22) and it’s chilly but not snowy for the wedding scene at the end (Sophie is in a Fall coat, p 43). The characters all appear to be middle class – not struggling but not rich either. Robert is a university professor, so I presume he makes a decent living, and François owns a café. The political and economical environment doesn’t appear to play a large role in the story, but we can assume it’s stable since it’s Montreal in 2002.

Sounds: List all the sound effects or music called for in your script, as well as any additional ambient sound, music, or noises you think would enhance the show. Include page and line number or the event when the cue would occur

Props: List all the props needed (describe thoroughly anything held/used by a character). Consider the material they are made of, colour, texture, size, time period.

Set Pieces: List all the set pieces needed (describe thoroughly anything on stage). Consider the material they are made of, colour, texture, size, time period.

Costumes: If your play is not specific about what characters are wearing, decide what each character in your play should be wearing (choose four (4) if you have more characters than this). List all pieces needed. Consider outerwear, specialized undergarments, shoes, headwear/hats, jewelry, glasses, gloves. Consider what material pieces are made out of according to the time period. Consider the texture and colour scheme and how this will look under your lights.

Lighting: List at least two (2) lighting looks for your play. This could be how the location and time of day should look at the start and end of the play, or you could choose a couple of “special” moments where the lighting changes or is more dramatic/pronounced Explanation of lighting looks (What is the time of day? How will you convey this? What colour is the light onstage? How intense, warm or cool, is it? How bright or dark is it? What is visible on stage? Can you see the beam edges of the light on the floor, or should the light blend together? Are there any special patterns that are displayed on the floor or walls through a stencil in the light? Do any of the lights change or move during the play?)

IMPORTANT:You don't need to have too much design, you only need to write what you require based on the content of the novel Act 1.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s name
The Importance of Being Earnest – Script Analysis and Design
Written by Oscar Wilde, 'The importance of Being Earnest' is a play capturing the lives of people inhabiting the West End of London at the time. It is evident from the character and the setting that the people dominating the play are relatively affluent individuals who favor a fashionable life and own land and houses in town and the countryside. Also, they live in the modern era. The play can be placed in the late 1800s. I settled on the time frame because the time of the play can only be after 1886, when the Liberal Union Party was formed. Also, Act 1 is set between afternoon and evening since Lane is setting the table at the beginning of the play, and Algernon tells Jack that they should dress for dinner because it is almost seven near the end of the act (page 5 and page 31). The event was occasioned by people who rejected Home Rule and broke away from the Liberal Party. The first staging of the play was done in 1895 on the 14th day of February, as indicated in the introduction. The political environment in the play does not seem to affect the plot or characters so much as long as they don't affect the social lives of the latter. Lady Bracknell, when taking Jack through a comic interview after he proposes to her daughter – Gwendolen – is content with his revelation that he is Liberal Unionist (p. 26). She waves the issue away by commenting that they are considered Tories, and they sometimes visit her families in the evening for dinner or something else.
Sound Effects
1. The first sound that should be included in Act 1 is the sound piano. It should be an emotional and slow song. Algernon (page 5) explains to his servant, Lane, that he is sentimental when playing the piano and sticks to logic when it comes to expressing his views about life. 1.There should be the sound of the ringing of the door and its opening when Jack enters his friend's room (page 6). 
2. Other actions that should be accompanied by sound include Algernon ringing the bell to summon his servant (page 9). 
3. The noisy entrance of Lady Bracknell accompanied by Gwendolen should be marked by the sound of the ringing of the bell and the older woman's voice before she enters the room (page 16). 
4. Also, the bang of the music room as Algernon and his aunt leaves the morning ...
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