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Visual & Performing Arts
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Compare and contrast Compare and contrast. Visual & Performing Arts Essay

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Write two parts in one page.

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Resources must come from “The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians”

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Compare and Contrast
Ludwig van Beethoven and Franz Schubert were both great composers and they are often compared and contrasted because of their proximity to one another. Beethoven and Schubert are regarded as the greatest masterpieces in the piano repertoire. The two had magnificent and spectacular command in style, focus and also in the compositional process where Schubert allegedly wrote as quickly as possible without revision while Beethoven produced a large number of sketches and drafts. This paper examines Beethoven’s Op. 111 and Schubert’s D.960 and also compares Frédéric Chopin’s Op. 49 and Schubert’s Op. 102.
Beethoven’s Op. 111 and Schubert’s D.960 works have several things in common, they were written in Vienna only six years apart; Beethoven’s work was written in 1822 while Schubert’s job was written in 1828 and each is the final work in a trilogy of its composer’s late period sonatas. Other similarities of these two works include their uncanny ability to transport us to a spiritual realm and their success in expressing through music the truth and depth of human experience (Douglas Johnson, pp.53-60).
There are differences in how Beethoven and Schubert organized their musical materials. Beethoven’s is a concise two-movement work while on the other side Schubert’s has a large four-movement structure of symphonic scope (Sandra Mangsen, 24-26). Beethoven’s sonata highlights the tonal center of C throughout while Schubert’s sonata emphasizes on a wide range of keys and also enjoy large mo...
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