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Change of Position Foundation and Manifesto of Futurism

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Change of Position

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21 April 2019
Change of Position
The Italian Futurist movement was started in 1909 by the poet F.T. Marinetti when he published the “Foundation and Manifesto of Futurism"(The MET, 1). The manifesto emphasized the love of danger, the glory of war, the beauty of speed, and called for the destruction of museums and libraries that represented the establishment it was going against. Due to the implications of the actions that the manifesto called for, painters met a year later and edited the manifesto to create works that went against the conventional subject matter and modes of representation and instead concentrated on the dynamic vitality of the industrial city. The ideology contradicted the modern art and life, and various manifestos were written describing the principles of dynamism extended to not only govern painting and sculpture but also cinema, music and men’s clothing and to some extent the reconstruction of the universe.
Anton Giulio Bragaglia (February 11, 1890 – July 15, 1960) was from a family of artists involved in photography (Doble et al., 5). In 1906 he joined Cines film studio in Rome as an assistant director who was managed by his father, Francesco Bragaglia. Together with his brother Arturo, Anton worked on many photographic works. While Arturo concerned himself with the technical realizations of imaginings, Anton was involved with the theory behind the images. Their father also bought Carlo, the younger brother, into film making. The brothers shared their ideas as they worked on various artistic projects, photographs and films. Anton and Carlo came with the idea and set up an Italian gallery with their family name that showed futuristic art, ‘Casa d’Arte Bragaglia’ (The Bragaglia House of Art) (Doble et al., 5). Bragaglia also wrote on theatre, film, dance, and archaeology and was an active critic, reviewer, and journalist (Bragaglia, 363).
Anton is a representative for futuristic photography and film. His texts in Futuristic Photodynamism (1911) and Manifesto of Futuristic Cinema (1916) described the meaning of Futurism that helped other followers and artists understand and follow the movement. Futurism moved away from the conventions of established trends in photography and tilted towards a dynamic, fast-moving future of multiplicity. Photodynamism embraced the blur of movement within an image as an aesthetic to be embraced and not as a technical flaw.
Anton Giulio Bragaglia extended the concept of dynamism to photogr...
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