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Museum Review: Identity Of The Two Artworks

Essay Instructions:

This is a term paper of two museum art object, I’ll attach the picture and description of the art object in the files.

First Part:


In the first part of your paper give details that define your object. Specifically, describe the following:

a) category (e.g. pottery, sculpture, jewelry, wall painting, etc. )

b) place of discovery

c) date,

d) material,

e) use

f) artist or architect (if known).

Second Part:


Write an essay discussing the following questions: 1) what are the stylistic – artistic features of your object? 2) Are there any similar artworks that your object could be compared to? 3) What were the local social, political, economic and historical conditions at the time when the specific object was made?


Your paper should be 5 pages long, double spaced, excluding bibliography, references and images. You should use Times New Roman 12 font. At the end of the paper you should have the Bibliography used. References and notes, which you could put either at each page (footnotes) or at the end of your essay (endnotes), should be written in a consistent documentation style, according to the APA or MLA annotation system. You should use at least three scientific sources (monographs, articles, art journals) related to your object.

Internet sources are acceptable, as long as they are fully and properly cited. You should also indicate in detail the sources of any images used (photos, architectural plans, reconstructions, etc.). In any case, any kind of plagiarism will result to an F grade for the paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name Professor Name Course Date Museum Review Below, the assignment has been divided into two parts. Part-1 will outline the identity of the two objects (artworks) in question with special focus on the material used to make this object, date of its discovery and category it falls under. It will also try to establish the identity of the artist who made this object. The second part of this assignment will focus on the following three questions with an honest approach. 1 What are the stylistic – artistic features of your object? 2 Are there any similar artworks that your object could be compared to? 3 What were the local social, political, economic and historical conditions at the time when the specific object was made? The third question will be divided into two sub-parts with each focusing on one object in the best possible manner. Part-1 Object-I identity This object is a stone (limestone) sculpture that represents the head of Hathor who was an Egyptian goddess. This art object was discovered in the second quarter of the 6th century, but its provenance is known to be necropolis of Golgoi. It is deep-rooted in 1000 BC – 1 A.D. Egypt. Object-II identity This very large object is a stone (limestone) sculpture of a bearded man whose conical cap present him as a person having a high rank. The name of this person remains unknown. This archaic object was discovered in the early 6th century and had its provenance in Golgoi–Ayios Photios (near the temple). This artwork has its roots in 1000 BC – 1 A.D. Levantine lands. Part-2 What are the stylistic – artistic features of your object? Standing at the overall dimensions of 34 1/2 x 20 1/4in. (87.6 x 51.4cm), the stone sculpture of Hathor is distinctively and delicately chiseled having cow’s horns as these are made to reflect her image as Cow Goddess. The lower shaft on which Hathor’s headrests, has been cut off and two dowel holes to provide additional support have been made. This model sculpture of Hathor is a stylistic form of art as it also has three lines on the cow’s horns on right, left and upper side. Artists of different ages have made many representations of Hathor due to its great importance in Egyptian mythology. The archaic head of a bearded man is a fine piece of art made out of limestone. This sculpture has the dimensions of 35 x 14 x 23 in. (88.9 x 35.6 x 58.4 cm) and is chiseled finely. The careful consideration is given to the overall look of the model in the entire process of making this sculpture. The protuberance at the top, flaps on each side and long beard (which looks very pointy from side view) are all great features of this model. Are there any similar artworks that your object could be compared to? There are many artworks readily available and circulating which can be compared to the artwork in hand of Hathor. Some artworks are not as fine as the one in our picture but they do reflect the same image of the Egyptian goddess is limestone sculptures. There is a variety of artworks showing the face of a cow with very long upward horns and medium-sized ears. This sort of artwork also depicts the goddess of Egypt, Hathor. Then, there is a numerous selection of Hathor’s statues which cannot directly be compared to the sculpture, but they represent the same mythic character as well. Hathor has been regarded as a complex goddess of fertility, dance, music, and sky and maintained the life on earth. Based on these facts not all representations are the same yet hold significance. Since the limestone head of a bearded man does not have any name or any identity that can be traced back in time with utmost certainty, therefore, our information on this sculpture remains limited. Albeit, there are a few sculptures that cannot be directly compared to the one in the picture provided since the personalities do not resemble. What were the local social, political, economic and historical conditions at the time when the specific object was made? Egypt (1000 BC - 1 A.D.) It has been established that the sculpture of Hathor was made during the Egyptian era 1000 BC - 1 A.D., so the following discussion will revolve around the social, poli...
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