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2 pages/≈550 words
Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
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Description Paper: The Art Medium Typography In Akzidenz Grotesk

Essay Instructions:

1. You will need to fully identify the visual: artist, title of work(s) and dates, the style and movement.
2. You will be asked to write 4 paragraphs total on these images. Description, influences and transition in style/differences.
images and notes are attached, please use the notes and do more research on each images, the time periods and the styles.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

This photograph is entitle Giselle, Basel Ballet poster, and it was taken in 1959; the art medium utilized was Typography in Akzidenz Grotesk, printed on photolithographs which are sized 355*505in. approximately. Akzidenz means a 'commercial' typeface for trade use such as publicity materials, advertising, tickets and forms, as opposed to typefaces intended for decorative or book use.The artist utilized the contrasting concepts of the subject in order to bring out its essence and beauty. As the subject is a dancer, the opposing visual elements of stillness and motion bring out the quality that is significant to the subject, in this case, ballet.
The artist also properly utilized the elements of light and dark in the photo, putting emphasis and aesthetic quality to the dancer. The position of the text highlights the focus and the intent of the poster and properly and briefly presents the event and at the same time features the main attraction. The dynamic nature of the image is achieved through the manipulation of the elements of the photograph and then subtly tying them together through the balance between the positive and negative spaces of the photo. Capturing a moment to represent movement is presented by the blurry motion that was caught by the shutter speed setting.
This artwork is an image of the NYC-MTA subway map, taken by Vignelli in 1972. This image shows a geographic map, but it is not just a simple work of art. The complexity and t...
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