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Visual & Performing Arts
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Compare Portrait of Philip II of Spain and Equestrian Portrait of King Philip II (Michael Jackson)

Essay Instructions:

Assignment: Write an analytical essay that develops its claims through thoughtful exploration of evidence from two works of art. Essay must use a singular analytical lens (or a singular interpretive context) through which you examine both texts.
Purpose: The purpose of the assignment is 1) to develop your critical, analytical abilities, moving beyond the analysis of a single object to a meaningful analysis of two objects 2) to develop your ability to write a sophisticated analytical essay that makes claims and uses evidence for support and development.
Genre: While this is an analytical essay, you will need to refer to secondary sources to enrich and develop your argument.

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Comparing the Portrait of Philip II of Spain and Equestrian Portrait of Michael Jackson
Visual arts is one of the fields that artists use to communicate different subject matters to their target audience. Famous artists make portraits of people to communicate their intellectual ideas. Some artists like making arts of famous musicians, kings and leaders to communicate different subject matters to their target audience. The portrait of Philip II of Spain is a famous portrait that symbolizes the King and his power. Michael Jackson was also a famous Musician that most of the artists made art pieces symbolic to Michael Jackson who was a Pop Music Icon. Iconic portraits have a large reception as most of the art fans can relate to the icons and famous people in different societies. A ruler like King Philip II and Michael Jackson were famous people that most of the art fans can relate to as they heard the stories the two icons. Most of the people regard to Michael Jackson and King Philip II as leaders of their domains as portrayed in the portraits. The essay compares the portraits Philip II of Spain and equestrian portrait of King Philip II (Michael Jackson).
Similarities between the two Portraits
One of the comparable aspects in the two portraits was that the portraits depict King Phillip II and Michael Jackson as powerful. As seen in both the portraits, there is a crown that has the outlook of a wreath that both of them are about to receive from angelic creatures. One of the symbolic means to show that one is powerful is through crowns that people receive on recognition of their power and influence in different societies (Cupperi 408). A powerful King like Philip II was quite influential and powerful during his reign. On the other hand, Michael Jackson was one of the best Pop artists of his time. As the two were powerful leaders from different fields of their career, the portraits depict the two leaders receiving crowns, which is a portrayal of power and influence from a wide spectrum. Besides, the most of the fans view the two as leaders in their respective fields of work.
The other comparison is that the two leaders are on horses with a sword on one side and royal robes. The artist wanted to show the power and might of the two leaders, as the robes and sword symbolize that the two were good in their respective fields of work. From the different angle, visual art is a field where artists aim at communicating much information that a person feels that the public need to know. In the antique times, horses were royal animals that leaders and royal people used in most of the occasions. In the contemporary society, royal people and influential people still use horses as a means of transport when they are travelling internally or at times to escapades (Miller 12). In the two portraits, Michael Jackson and King Phillip II are on horses with royal robes, depicting some sense of wealth and leadership from a societal standpoint. From a closer view of the two portraits, one c...
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