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Economics Theories and Consumer Behaviors

Essay Instructions:

Essay Questions #3

Directions: Answer all the below questions using the Cassidy book (Introduction to Chapter 6) and the video “Mind over Money”

Turn in your essay questions on classes (under assignments) by 9am on February 14

  1. What is Adam Smith’s invisible hand idea all about?
  2. Why is there a spontaneous order that comes out of the pricing system (according to Smith)?
  3. Why did Smith think that banking needed to regulated?
  4. How does general equilibrium theory support the idea of the invisible hand?
  5. What did later researchers (from the 1970’s) find out about general equilibrium theory?
  6. How are the assumptions in the Arrow-Debreu model inconsistent with reality?
  7. Why did Milton Friedman become so famous and his views on economics so popular?
  8. What are the implications of stock returns (or any asset) following a normal distribution?
  9. Empirically speaking, are stock price changes on one day independent from the next day’s stock price changes? Explain

The next questions are from the video “Mind Over Money”

10.  The main model of consumer behavior assumes that we never buy anything until we've calculated the impact on, for example, our retirement fund, and we're so good at math we use interest rates to compute our pleasure, over time, after buying something. What was Robert Shiller’s response to this?

11.  What is the “as if” defense used by Eugene Fama and John Cochrane?

12.  How did Richard Thaler refute the “as if” defense with pool?

13.  What did you think of Eugene Fama’s explanation of the housing decline has a “change in tastes”? Does this make sense to you? How can someone just get away with this?





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Essay Questions #3
1 What is Adam Smith’s invisible hand idea all about?
It is all about economics, particularly the invisible force that tries to establish an equilibrium in the market through the concept of free will amongst the actions of self-interested players therein. Looking at it deeply, it is simply a metaphor stating that if an individual minds his own business quite literally by doing what brings him profits, then by extension, he might be benefitting others in that market as well. In other terms, the ‘invisible hand’ will have the person pushing himself more and more to increase his returns, without realizing that this also positively benefits the larger economy.
2 Why is there a spontaneous order that comes out of the pricing system (according to Smith)?
The spontaneous order usually comes as a result of the free will of the players in the market rather than the set systems or policies of the government. As Smith notes, the increase or decrease in prices usually follows a natural order that is only subject to adjustments based on the information presently available. According to him, the stock is never overpriced or underpriced since it simply acts in response to the available information. This means that in the long run, the price of a given stock will always play around the equilibrium, as it self-adjusts accordingly with the prevailing information.
3 Why did Smith think that banking needed to be regulated?
Banks need to be regulated so as to reduce the risk involved when they end up giving unworthy borrowers too much of their promissory notes. There is always the existing threat of these financial institutions being left hanging on a thread in case depositors make withdrawals while they have already lent out to defaulters. It might place these banks at risk of collapse. Even though this might be taken as a violation of the existing financial rules, regulation remains the best way to protect the same banks.
4 How does general equilibrium theory support the idea of the invisible hand?
From the readings, equilibrium is a product of non-intervention by the government and usually happens when the market itself generates and allocates resources for itself. It also asserts that the markets are quite efficient, meaning that enterprises always have a look at how the prices go hand in hand with the available goods. The market dynamics, such as production, supply, demand, and consumer behavior, would mean that there will always be adjustments and readjustments in the market around the equilibrium. This aligns with Smith’s ‘invisible hand’ perspective, where all these individual dynamics positively impact the larger market.
5 What did later researchers (from the 1970s) find out about general equilibrium theory?
According to general equilibrium, there is supposed to be some order established by the price system. Drawing from the reading, later researchers realized that the general equilibrium theory is not as rigid or abstract as initially thought. The government doesn’t really have absolute control when it comes to tackling the market ‘chaos.’ The outcomes of the economic equations yielded so many possibilities to the extent that these researchers realized the general equilibrium theory is not as general as initially thought.
6 How are the assumptions in the Arrow-Debreu model inconsistent with reality?
The assumptions are inconsistent with reality because they build one assumption based on another. This means that there is a continuity of assumptions in their argument. A continuity of assumptions needs an extremely absolute or perfect condition, which never exists within an economic system. In other terms, the assumptions work on ideal scenarios, and ideal scenarios are not consistent with reality. Secondly, the assumptions don’t take time as an important factor. Predicting the future is one of the most difficult things in economics. They simply believe that...
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