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How Markets Blow Themselves in the Film The Warning

Essay Instructions:

Watch the Frontline film the Warning: https://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/video/frontline-the-warning/
1. What did you think of the film the Warning?
2. What did you think of the chp 7-11 part of the Cassidy? Did you like it, not like (no right answer here):
3. The reason I am interested in the Warning is that it shows how markets can and do blow themselves up despite the assurances of people like Ayn Rand and Alan Greenspan. Yes, maybe there are interference's in the market that cause them to blow up, but the fact it is that do blow up and when they do (like 2008 and almost in 1998 (LTCM)) so many innocent people are impacted. Indeed, My question for you why do markets blow themselves up? Is a failure of the market? Is it a failure of us as human beings (it is due behavioral factors). Is it because the market is truly not free (due to government intervention, etc). I would like to hear your thoughts on this?

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Week 4 Discussion
What did you think of the film the Warning?
The film is a sad representation of how our staunch beliefs could, in the end, lead to disaster. Watching the film made me sad, angry, and hopeful at the same time. I was sad and angry because I saw how a few people could manipulate and exploit millions even when leading them astray. On the other hand, I was hopeful because I saw the fight in some people who have pledged their lives to stand for what is right even if they will lose everything.
I thought the film was a classic showcase of how selfish the human race is. The main characters who could be behind the 2007/2008 financial crisis happened to show no remorse while downplaying the danger the world’s economy faced. Their refusal to entertain outside perspective from a person as gifted and knowledgeable as themselves was proof that humanity’s quest for wealth has grave disadvantages. Also, it showcased their lack of commitment to their jobs since they were tasked with helping ensure the American economy, and by extension, the world’s economy remained stable.
Aside from the above, I also thought that the film exposed people’s negligence, especially how certain decisions impact their lives. In one instance of the film, one of the commentators notes that more than 90% of the members of Congress would not define the term derivatives. However, they were at the forefront in deeming the idea of regulations impractical. The point above confirmed that no one wanted to take up the responsibility of understanding what derivatives were and how they would impact the economy if anything happened. The lack of accountability showcases the depth of negligence that pervades even the government.
What did you think of the chp 7-11 part of the Cassidy? Did you like it or not?
From chapters 7 to 11, Cassidy takes an interesting a...
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