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CIO Chief Information Officer Response Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Dear Sir/Madam 
Here is what is the CIO report about and instruction to be follow .
Tasks to be undertaken:
1. Select a Chief Information Officer (CIO) interview from Computer Weekly (see http://www(dot)computerweekly(dot)com/news/2240236890/Top-10-CIO-interviews-of-2014 for examples). 
2. Read carefully and reflectively and identify themes and views (see example)
3. Investigate and briefly overview company’s recent IT history prior to the interview.
4. For each theme:
Explain the theme, clarify and define any terms; 
Expand with reference to stories and sets; 
Set in the context of recent IT history of company;
Critically appraise the CIO’s view, strategy and approach to the stated theme. What do you think about what is said? What are the positive and negative points about the theme? 
5. From investigating the background of the management of information systems in the company identify any issues and problems which you think the CIO should be addressing. I.e. What is not said? The CIO will wish to be seen in a positive light and there may be issues that are not mentioned.
6. Give suggestions for future strategy and direction that you think the CIO should pursue. 
Use the most recent CIO interviews e.g. 2014, 2015. If using an older interview, reflect briefly in the future strategy section on progress made since the interview.
You must demonstrate critical appraisal of the CIO’s ideas and beliefs. 
You must address themes with reference to stories and sets presented in the module.
Deliverables to be submitted for assessment:
The essay should be between 1500 and 2000 words. It should be sectioned: Introduction to IT at the company. Theme sections. Missing Issues. Future direction.
Paul Coby CIO Interview 19th February 2015
1.Omni channel experience. Multi channels of shopping same process and experience for shopper. Seamless.
2. Investing in core systems
3. Importance of supply chain systems. Supply chain agility. 
4. ERP implementation, systems integration, replacement of 60 legacy systems.. Pioneer. Sequential releases until 2019.
5. Multiple suppliers. Oracle, IBM’s Sterling Order Management system. Saleforce.com
6. Control passed from IT to the online business, what does this mean?
7. Concept of major but incremental .. once every four weeks. Is this agile? Management of releases. No one big change.
8. Importance of capacity management in preparation for Black Friday. “biggest week, the biggest day, the biggest hours and probably the biggest minute as well on our business during that time.” Forward planning, tuning. Teamwork, working with suppliers.
9. Concept of three lane motorway. 
10. Innovation as fast lane. JLab Working with LocalZ Room Y. “Knocking things to death”
11. Business analytics Caution. Issues concerning privacy, use of customer data by business is leading to caution.
12. Need for perspective and long term vision.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

CIO Chief Information Officer
Introduction to IT at the company
Unilever, a British-Dutch company has expanded its operations globally Jane Moran was recruited from Thomas Reuters to serve as a CIO similar to her previous position (Boardroom Insiders, Inc, 2015, p.1). As a global consumer product company, there is a need to integrate the information system of the company. Unilever had a decentralised information technology system, but with Moran at the helm, the company has sought centralization of core operations to manage the business requirements and meet technology solutions (Boardroom Insiders, Inc, 2015, p. 3). The company has over 400 brands and it supports innovative technology development, where IT solutions are standardized to drive the IT agenda. The theme sections are based on the main points in “Interview: Jane Moran, global CIO, and Unilever – the most influential person in UK IT 2014.”
Theme sections
Role of innovative technology in business
Moran advocates for the leaders to adopt innovative technology, organizations are more competitive when they have innovative products and services that differentiate them from competitors. The CIO has identified 3d printing and the internet of things as some areas where Unilever will collaborate with IT market players to meet the IT demands of organizations and find tangible solutions to business needs (Mari, 2014). Unilever’s information technology emphasizes the core elements rather than decentralization, making it easier to rationalize and standardize IT procedures (Mari, 2014).
Transformational technology to ensure sustainability
Another case for technology driven solutions is that Unilever has the chance to improve sustainability in the company’s operations. There are various ways to support sustainability while considering the interests of all stakeholders. Moran pointed out that technology ought to be seen as a core business driver, and Unilever was committed to meeting the employees’ demands. Sustainability has also positioned the company to growing areas of operations since innovation is a concern (Lingard, 2012, p. 225). Additionally, sustainability is a long-term concern that influences strategic decision making in operations including using IT solutions. Unilever is now funding tech start ups in efforts towards integrating innovative technology to meet organizational and customer needs.
Increased participation of women in IT
Even though, IT has been a male domain, Moran emphasised that the participation and inclusion of women in the information technology would be beneficial to the organization. There will be increased demand for information technology jobs in the future, but low enrolment of women in computer science programs makes this difficult and, this is worsened by gender discrimination as science and technology fields are male dominated (Croasdell, McLeod, & Simkin, 2011, p. 162).The case of gender balancing is that it spurs innovation and creativity, with the company and other organizations have the option to draw talent from a larger pool of candidates and employees. The executive and top management who support such initiatives encourage women participation in IT. The leadership at Unilever has been supportive of having women participating in the workforce while also recruiting female talent. The leadership is also accountable for meaning good working conditions to attract recruits who fit the company’s corporate culture regardless of their backgrounds.
Passion for technology
Moran stated that leadership plays a crucial role towards adopting information technology changes in the workplace. Technology trends keep changing and CIOs need to be up to date with how emerging technologies offer business solutions. Successful technology leaders ought to have passion for technology and keep up with the emerging technology trends (Hoving, 2007, p 149). Leaders are administrators and for CIOs they lead with passion when they understand technology, as they are more likely to support and encourage the creation of innovative products. Employees in the information technology department are more likely to be motivated to achieve the IT solutions, when the technology leaders are passionate about products.
Business acumen
Another leadership quality that technology leaders ought to have to succeed is business acumen (Kuhlman, 2013, p. 20). Leaders should be resilient no matter the challenges they face, even as they rely on tech-enabled solutions (Mari, 2014). This has the potential to make a big difference between success and failure to integrate information technology to meet the organizational and customer needs. Passion for technology should be matched with business acumen as this allows the leaders to be more committed as leaders. This extends to the ability to learn and apply knowledge in real life situations when using tech-based solutions.
Fine-tuning leadership skills
The third aspect of successful leadership in technology is the ability to use leadership skills to ensure improvements when integrating and implementing the IT agenda (Mari, 2014). Unilever is a diversified company with global operations, and the executives have asserted themselves to provide leadership and direction (Mari, 2014). The CIO lays the foundation for the success of technology-based solutions, with partners, employees and stakeholders using the technology to drive business growth. Leaders support innovation and information technology enterprises to instil passion for team members to explore how technology solutions meet customer/client needs (Pater, 2013, p.25).
Investing in core systems
The case for designing, adopting and investing in core systems is that this improves the organization’s ability to drive growth. The core systems gateways also provide an opportunity to focus on customer-centric solutions, since the IT staff focus on implementing the systems based on the operational capabilities, digital strategies and customer needs. The core systems are chosen to differentiate when the company’s IT solutions as this improves competencies while complementing the existing business enterprises. The core system is more centralized give the need to standardize the business solutions while focusing on a capabilities-driven approach. Inves...
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