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Social Justice Approach to Education and Education Against Extremism and Radicalisation

Essay Instructions:

This examination paper has only ONE section.

Please answer TWO questions.

Each question is worth 50 marks. 

 The word length of each essay is 1000 words. This word count excludes the list of references that you should provide at the end of each essay. This will be an open-book exam which means that you can access resources during your exam such as your notes, books and other learning materials and the exam won’t be invigilated.   

Answer TWO questions 

1. Outline and assess the contribution of Stephen J Ball to policy studies in the field of education.  In your answer, include examples that draw on his ideas relating to ‘policy as text’ and ‘policy as discourse’.     [50] 

2. How can teachers implement ideas from Critical Pedagogy into their teaching practice?  Contextualise your answer within a national education system of your choice.          [50] 

3. Evaluate the usefulness of a ‘social justice’ approach to education, contrasting such an approach with alternatives such as Human Capital Theory.  [50]     

4. Critically discuss gender mainstreaming as a policy approach in at least one area of educational policy.        [50] 

5. Is an ‘intersectional’ approach to educational inequality more useful than one that focuses on a single social characteristic such as race or gender? Discuss with relevant examples and reference to theory.    [50] 

6. What is the role of education in fostering resilience against extremism and radicalisation?         [50] 

7. What are schools’ responsibilities in relation to climate change?  Draw on ideas about learner voice, education policy and social justice in your answer.  [50] 

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Exam Essays
Question 3
Usefulness of a ‘Social Justice’ Approach to Education
Education is a critical tool for shaping individuals' lives and societies as a whole. In order to achieve its objective education must be structured in a way that emphasizes the various aspects that help an individual to become productive in society. Some of the two prominent approaches to structure education are the social justice approach and Human Capital Theory. The strategies adopt distinct perspectives on the purpose and outcomes of education. For instance, the social justice approach to education advocates for equal access to quality education for all students, aiming to address societal inequalities and create inclusive learning environments. It recognizes the disparities that exist in educational systems and seeks to empower marginalized individuals by bridging the achievement gap. On the other hand, Human Capital Theory views education as an investment in human capital, emphasizing the acquisition of knowledge and skills to enhance economic productivity and growth. It highlights the economic benefits individuals can gain through education. This essay evaluates the usefulness of the social justice approach to education, contrasting it with Human Capital Theory, to provide a comprehensive understanding of their goals, implementation strategies, and implications for educational outcomes and societal well-being.
The social justice approach to education is an inclusive framework that aims to address and rectify societal inequalities by ensuring equal access to quality education for all students, regardless of their background or circumstances. It recognizes the inherent disparities that exist in educational systems and strives to create a level playing field (Pearson and Reddy, 2021). For instance, in a social justice approach, schools may prioritize resources and support for marginalized students, such as those from low-income families or ethnic minority groups, to bridge the achievement gap. The goals and objectives of this approach are to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion within educational settings. By embracing multicultural perspectives, fostering empathy, and challenging oppressive systems, it aims to create an environment where every student can thrive. Implementation strategies may include curriculum reform to incorporate diverse perspectives, inclusive pedagogical practices, and the provision of support services such as counselling and mentorship programs. Therefore, the social justice approach involves fostering a more inclusive society, reducing inequalities, and empowering marginalized students. Nevertheless, the approach has some limitations such as potential ideological biases, challenges in implementation due to limited resources, and the need for ongoing evaluation to ensure effectiveness and avoid unintended consequences.
Human Capital Theory is an economic framework that views education as an investment in human capital, emphasizing the acquisition of knowledge and skills as a means to enhance productivity and economic growth. According to this theory, individuals are motivated to pursue education to increase their future earning potential and contribute to the economy (Osiobe, 2019). For example, a student might choose to pursue a degree in computer science to acquire specialized skills that are in high demand in the job market. The primary goal of Human Capital Theory is to maximize individual productivity and economic efficiency through education. Implementation strategies often focus on promoting market-driven educational programs, such as vocational training or STEM education, to meet the demands of the labour market. The benefits of this approach include higher individual earnings, increased labour market competitiveness, and overall economic growth (Osiobe, 2019). However, like the social justice approach, the Human Capital Theory has limitations, such as its narrow focus on economic outcomes at the expense of other aspects of education, the potential perpetuation of inequalities, and the neglect of social and cultural dimensions of learning (Marginson, 2019). It also deemphasizes the importance of education for personal development and social well-being.
While the social justice approach to education and Human Capital Theory share certain similarities, they differ significantly in their goals, objectives, implementation strategies, and associated benefits and limitations. One similarity between the two approaches is their recognition of the importance of education in shaping individuals' lives and opportunities. Both approaches acknowledge that education can contribute to social and economic advancement. However, their underlying philosophies and priorities diverge in terms of their goals and objectives. The social justice approach aims to address societal inequalities, promote equity, and create inclusive learning environments. In contrast, Human Capital Theory focuses on individual economic productivity and labour market competitiveness. Consequently, their implementation strategies vary greatly. Thus, the social justice approach emphasizes policies and practices that prioritize equal access to resources and support for marginalized students, while Human Capital Theory focuses on aligning education with market demands and workforce needs.
Supporters of the social justice approach point to research that demonstrates its positive impact on educational outcomes for marginalized students. For example, studies have shown that interventions focused on reducing disparities in resources and support can lead to improved academic achievement and increased graduation rates among historically marginalized groups. However, according to Marshall, Gerstl-Pepin, and Johnson (2020), the social justice approach may prioritize social and political agendas over academic rigour, potentially compromising educational quality. They express concerns about the potential for ideological biases in curriculum design and the risk of lowering standards to ensure equal outcomes. Despite these criticisms, the benefits of the social justice approach include fostering a more inclusive and equitable educational environment, promoting diversity and cultural responsiveness, and empowering marginalized students to succeed.
The social justice approach to education and its comparison with Human Capital Theory demonstrates different perspectives and priorities in educational frameworks. The social justice approach emphasizes equal access to quality education, aiming to address societal inequalities and create inclusive learning environments. It recognizes the importance of diverse perspectives and challenges oppressive systems to foster a more equitable society. In contrast, Human Capital Theory focuses on the economic benefits of education, emphasizing the acquisition of knowledge and skills to enhance productivity and contribute to economic growth. While both approaches have their merits, it is important to consider the broader implications. The social justice approach contributes to creating a more inclusive society and reducing disparities, whereas Human Capital Theory may prioritize economic outcomes at the expense of other dimensions of education. It is crucial to strike a balance between addressing social inequalities and ensuring economic competitiveness. Ultimately, a comprehen...
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